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Předmět General Ecology (ZEX12E)

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The course outlined the biodiversity at the population, species and community levels. Incorporated are basic concepts of species in the field of biology, speciation and species evolution; estimation of the similarity of communities using hierarchical methods and ordinations; and basic biogeographical terms, namely concerning the central Europe.


PřednáškaAims and scopes, related fields, subjects of ecological disciplines, literatureAbiotic factors, ecological laws, niche conceptSpecies concept, adaptations, natural selection, speciation, extinction, evolutionPopulation and population characteristicsModels of population growth, r and K strategies, population dynamics and cyclesMetapopulation, small populations, applications in conservation biologyInterspecific interactions: competition, amensalism, predationInterspecific interactions: mutualism, commensalism, laws in relatedness of organismsCommunities, biocoenotical principlesSuccession, climaxes, vertical zonationBiomes, biodiversityEcosystemsCvičeníReview, Web of Knowledge, rules of scientific workManuscript preparation, oral presentationsOral presentations, discussionOral presentations, discussionOral presentations, discussionOral presentations, discussion

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have basic knowledge in biological diversity evaluation at species and community level. They know basic views on species in biology and mechanisms of its rise and evolution. They are able to evaluate species diversity of communities using hierarchical and ordination techniques. They adopt the fundamentals of biogeography, focusing on central Europe.Dovednosti:Students orientate themselves in basic theories influencing the view on nature biological diversity. They know basic methods of communities' classification using species diversity indices and similarity of communities. They can use suitable software.Kompetence - komunikace:Student is able to work as a part of a team. He can present and defend his own ideas, change them according to new information. He is familiar with ethics of communication in scientific and applied community.Kompetence - úsudek:Student is able to use creatively and independently the acquired knowledge. He is able to use scientific literature and search independently relevant czech and foreign literature. Put new findings into context of their own knowledge and experiences.


ZákladníFaculty of Environmental Science, Department of Ecology, Biodiversity course. Prague, online http//www.moodle.czu.cz, cit. 28.9.2011DoporučenáGASTON K.J., 1996 Biodiversity a biology of numbers and difference. Blackwell Science, Oxford etc., 396 pp.OTTE D., ENDLER J.A. [eds.] 1989 Speciation and its consequences. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, xiii+679 pp.CLARIDGE M.F., DAWAH H.A., WILSON M.R. [eds.] 1997 Species the units of biodiversity. The Systematics association special volume Series 54. Chapman & Hall, xvi+439 pp.SNEATH P.H.A., SOKAL R.R., 1973 Numerical taxonomy the principles and practice of numerical classification. W.H. Freeman and company, San Francisco, xv+573 pp.LEPŠ J., ŠMILAUER P., 2003 Multivariate analysis of ecological data using CANOCO. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge etc., xi+269 pp.KREBS C.J., 1998 Ecological methodology, 2nd edition. Addison Wesley Longman, Menlo Park etc., xii+620 pp.RIDLEY M., 1996 Evolution, 2nd edition. Blackwell Science, Oxford etc., xxi+719 pp.HANSKI I., GILPIN M.E., 1996 Metapopulation biology ecology, genetics, and evolution. Academic Press, San Diego etc., xvi+512 pp.




prof. RNDr. Vladimír Bejček, CSc.