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Předmět Remote Sensing (ZGX09E)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu ZGX09E - Remote Sensing, Fakulta životního prostředí, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU).

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Students are given an introduction of basic principles of remote sensing and methods of satellite image processing. Beside the overview of remote sensing potential, possibilities of its application and theoretical background, students are required to manage fundamental exercises of image visualization and interpretation, based on large scale of image enhancement methods and multispectral classification, especially. The emphasis is mainly placed on landscape ecology applications.


PřednáškaRemote Sensing - introductionTheoretical Perspectives of Remote SensingRemote Sensing sensors, data sources and acquisitionOverview of remote sensing methodsRadiometric enhancement and spectral enhancementMultispectral classification as a tool of thematic information extractionCvičeníMultiSpec - software introductionLandsat satellite data descriptionSpectral and radiometric image enhancement - colour synthesis, contrast enhancement, data interpretation ISpectral and radiometric image enhancement - colour synthesis, contrast enhancement, data interpretation IIRadiometric enhancement - tresholding, density slicingImage algebra - spectral indices, landscape qualitative assessmentUnsupervised classificationSupervised classification ISupervised classification IITask solvingTask solvingTask solving

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have a basic knowledge of remote sensing, are aware of the importance of its possible use, advantages and disadvantages of distance methods. They know the basics of theoretical principles of remote sensing and data acquisition, and know spectral behavior of basic objects. They have an overview of the major satellite systems and their use. They know the basic methods of digital image processing.Dovednosti:The student is familiar with the essentials of multispectral data processing and software handling. Can search the data archives; identify the availability and quality of data. Loads the satellite images for their visual interpretation, can use the methods of spectral image enhancement, copes with the histogram. To perform simple analysis use basic arithmetic operations, density slicing or thresholding image.Kompetence - komunikace:Student is capable of active communication with the lecturer; based on this deepen and refine the acquired knowledge and skills. Is able to formulate his own opinions, ideas, specify questions. Actively works in a team where is able to solve given tasks, and to propose his own solutions.Kompetence - úsudek:Student approaches the work curiously, creatively, skeptically. His syllogism is formed at the basis of available relevant information; provided not only by lecturer, but also by literature, and study hours. The acquired knowledge and skills is able to synthesize and confront, create his own judgments about their potential use for other work and personal development.


ZákladníJazyk výuky: AngličtinaJENSEN, J.R., 1986 Digital Image Processing. A Remote Sensing Perspective. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 379 s.LILLESAND, T.M., KIEFER, R.W., 2000 Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 724 s.DoporučenáJazyk výuky: AngličtinaCAMPBELL, J.B., 2002 Introduction to remote sensing. The Guilford Press, New York, 621 s.FROHN, R.C., 1998 Remote sensing for landscape ecology. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, 99 s.JENSEN, J.R., 2005 Digital Image Processing. A Remote Sensing Perspective. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 526 s.JENSEN, J.R., 2000 Remote sensing of the environment an earth resource perspective. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, 544 s.RICHARDS, J.A., XIUPING, J., 2006 Remote sensing digital image analysis. Springer, Berlin, 439 s.VERBYLA ,D.L., 1995 Satellite remote sensing of natural resources. CRC Lewis, Boca Raton, 198 s.




Mgr. Jitka Kumhálová, Ph.D.