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Předmět Land Register and GIS (ZGX10E)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu ZGX10E - Land Register and GIS, Fakulta životního prostředí, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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Další informace


Students will make acquainted with modern methods of environmental data processing. In the course of the lectures the principles of the methods will be explained while a routine practice applied to the real data will be exercised in the seminars. After going through the course the students will know how to propose appropriate methods to process complex collections of environmental data, and how to implement data processing on a computer including a choice of proper statistical software.


PřednáškaRandom vectorsGamma distributionNormal distributionEstimation of the parameters of a normal distribution and tests for hypotheses about these parametersOne-way analysis of varianceTwo-way analysis of varianceLinear modelLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionOrthogonal regressionRobust estimates of the parameter of location and scaleCvičeníRandom vectorsGamma distributionNormal distributionEstimation of the parameters of a normal distribution and tests for hypotheses about these parametersOne-way analysis of varianceTwo-way analysis of varianceLinear modelLinear regressionLinear regressionLinear regressionOrthogonal regressionRobust estimates of the parameter of location and scale

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:This course is devoted to some advanced methods of mathematical statistics. Graduates are acquainted with a large scale of recent mathematical-statistical methods and their applications. Moreover they are acquainted with underlying mathematical theory.Dovednosti:They can handle and evaluate large collections of experimental data by means of statistical computer software packages. On one's one, they are able to program an original software for solving classical as well as new and nonstandard problems and tasks.Kompetence - komunikace:They can explain in a simple way the principle of statistical methods to other professionals or laymen who are not acquainted with statistics. They are able to give them qualified advice and service with data handling and to formulate intelligible conclusions. Moreover, they are able to present the results in a professional form on the one hand and in the way accessible to general public on the other hand.Kompetence - úsudek:They are able to plan experiments in the optimal way, which enables to infer desirable conclusions. They can decide which statistical procedures are appropriate (or inappropriate) in a given situation, moreover they are able to modify standard methods for answering nonstandard questions (or for specified data structure).


ZákladníSOKAL, R.R., ROHLF, F.J. Biometry. San Francisco, Freeman 1969.DRAPER, N.R., SMITH, H. Applied Regression Analysis. New York, J. Wiley 1981.SILVERMAN, B. W. Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis. Chapman and Hall, 1993.HÄRDLE, W. Applied Nonparametric Regression. Berlin, Springer 1990.BLISS, C.I. Statistics in Biology. New York, McGraw-Hill 1967.DoporučenáANDĚL, J. Statistické metody. Praha, Matfyzpress 1998.ANTOCH, J., VORLÍČKOVÁ, D. Vybrané metody statistické analýzy dat. Praha, Academia 1992.




Ing. Josef Vlasák, Ph.D.