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Předmět Principles of Ecology (ZUE01E)

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To base common knowledge of applied lansdcape ecology principles and to develope creative erudition in this field with emphasis on coming across possibility in expertising, consulting and expert activities for decision making processes interlelated with landscape management a nature protection.


PřednáškaInternational applied ecology legal documentsLandscape in nature protection and historical monuments and cultural heritage in the landscape consequencesWater sources management in the landscape water management consequencesEcological outputs for territorial and regional planning in the EU tools and mechanismsData sources and information systems for ecologically sound landscape managentLandscape vulnerability and development consents feasibility classiffication systemDevelopment policies impact assessment regarding landscape (SEA - strategic environmental assesment)Development projects impact assessment regarding landscape (EIA - environmental impact assesment)Landscape management assessment regarding social, economical and cultural historical consequencesTools for agricultural and countryside development regarding landscapeRaw materials extraction landscape consequences development regarding landscapeRole of public in the course of landscape management decision making proceCvičeníBlock seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)Block seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)Block seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)Block seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)Block seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)Block seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)Block seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)Block seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)Block seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)Block seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)Block seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)Block seminar based on the preparation of three types of development project (highway, residential area, golf course)

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students have a basic knowledge of key international documents, particularly those with an impact on EU documents. They have an ability to apply knowledge of studied areas in the process of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment). They have knowledge of basic legal pillars of environmental applications, including SEA and EIA in an international context (Espoo Convention) and law. They are aware of the irreplaceable role of EIA and SEA in the sustainability concept and feasibility of development projects and policies. The course is conducted in English.Dovednosti:Students can orientate themselves in environmental issues in general with applications in EIA and SEA procedures. They can solve theoretical and practical problems in various areas of practical applications. They have an ability to assess and use basic methods and principles. They also know the role of the precautionary principle and key concepts of the field in EU conditions.Kompetence - komunikace:Students are able to work in a team (including team management). They are equipped with the ability to formulate and present their own opinions. They can assess results of other teams that compare different approaches to identify problems and propose possible solutions. They are able to work in a team where the communication language is English.Kompetence - úsudek:Students can apply active work approach. They can use a large amount of relevant data (literature, own experience in the field, experience of experts). They can create their own discretion. Students know how to use available access to information, public participation and access to law enforcement (Arhus).


ZákladníPIELOU, E.C., 1976 Ecological Diversity. New Jersey, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 176 s.BUCKLEY, G. P., 1989 Biological Habitat Reconstruction. New Jersey , John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 224 s.DoporučenáImpact Assessment and Project Appraisal, IAIA, Fargo. USA, 1975 - 2007 (quartelly), ISSN 1461-5517




doc. RNDr. Miroslav Martiš, CSc.