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Předmět Landscape and Ecological Applications (V) (ZUL03E)

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To deep knowledge and to develop creative erudition in applied landscape ecology with emphasis on coming across possibility in expertise, consulting and expert activities for decision making processes interrelated with landscape management a nature protection.


PřednáškaEuroepan landscape convention in context with Czech landscape planning and management legislationNATURA 2000 system in context with nature and landscape protection in Czech law and administration systemSpatial development policy in context with physical, regional and sectorial planning system in CRInternational documents on the landscape management and their reflection into Czech legal and administrative environmentAssessment of development policies, strategies and plans in regards of the environment (SEA 1)Practical application of SEA (SEA 2)Environmental impact assessment - early solution of development conflicts (EIA 1)EIA in practice (EIA 2)Landscape vulnerability and development project and concept feasibility classificationModern tools of environmental management (IPPC, EMAS, ISO 1400 and others)Man in the landscape (health, social, and cultural context)The role of public in single instruments of landscape managementCvičeníLandscape planning and managementNature protected areas management plans, NATURA 2000 sites management principlesTerritorial and sectoral development plans examplesLandscape protection in transboundary context (ESPOO convention and Kiev protocol applicationProgramme of Transport network development in the CR in relation to the landscape ecological infrastructureProgramme of Agriculture and Rural countryside development in relation to the (managed and derelict) landscapeClassification of ecological vulnerability of landscape - feasibility case study IClassification of ecological vulnerability of landscape - feasibility case study IIClassification of ecological vulnerability of landscape - feasibility case study IIIClassification of ecological vulnerability of landscape - feasibility case study IVRisk assessment, risk managementForms of public participation in decision making - civil society in practice

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:The course is conducted in English. Students have a basic overview of the importance of rules as well as specific forms and landscape management opportunities. Students are familiar with traditional as well as newly emerging concepts, but also with a compensatory approach in the interest of sustainable development of landscape and associated components of the environment in the context of general issues.Dovednosti:Students can apply knowledge gained in the study of materials. They are able to solve problems directly, not only for individual development projects, but also in a broader context, such as is local or regional development, town planning, etc.. Using obtained outcomes, students are able to create business documents, including the preparation of specific projects within the system of teamwork. The project is presented in English.Kompetence - komunikace:Students are able to work both under the leadership and the teamwork. Can formulate and present their own views, it can clearly and unambiguously communicate information, ideas, specify the problems and possible solutions.Kompetence - úsudek:Students can access their work creatively and aggressively. During the formation of discretion use all relevant information (literature, personal experience, experiences of experts), and realize responsibility for the evaluation and improvement of work activities. The student has the ability to follow certain rules of the team in circumstances where the communication language is English.


ZákladníPIELOU, E.C.,1975 Ecological Diversity. New Jersey,John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 176 s.BUCKLEY, G.P.,1989 Biological Habitat Reconstruction. New Jersey, Belhaven Press, 224 s.DoporučenáTHERIVEL, R.,2010 Strategic EnviroGOUDIE, A., 2000 The Human Impact on the Natural Environment. 5. edition, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 527 s. nmental Assessment in Action. London, Earthscan, 366 s.




doc. RNDr. Miroslav Martiš, CSc.