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Předmět Decision Support Systems - EMN, INFOAN (EAE24E)

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The goal of the subject is synthesis of knowledge of quantitative methods and other branches, methodology and architecture of decision support systems, decision-making process analysis. Helping students understand the fundamental concepts and techniques of DSS. Besides its importance to corporate competitiveness, reasons for studying this field are: . A business education is incomplete without an understanding of modern approaches to management and decision-making, because the concepts of DDS are widely used in managing of a business and all types of managers can profit from the knowledge of them.


PřednáškaSystems scienceDecision-making process, structure, phasesCognitive approach in Decision Support Decision Support Systems HistoryDecision Support Systems ProjectsDecision Support Systems - Types, EfectivityExperts Systems and Its History, Artificial InteligenceKnowledge SystemsModel-Driven DSS, Data and Document-Driven DSSKnowledge-Driven DSSCommunication and Group-Driven DSS, WEB-Based DSSPractical examplesCvičeníDecision-making Process, Analysis of Decision-making Phases, Decision-making StructureDesign of Decision Support Systems UserfaceProject of Decision Support SystemsModel-Driven DSS, Data and Document-Driven DSS, Knowledge-Driven DSSCommunication and Group-Driven DSS, WEB-Based DSS The defense of student projects

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:The students with previous knowledge of OR/MS models and methods and systems theory obtain extended knowledge of methodology and methodics of decision support systems. The graduates are able to analyse requirements of applications of decision support systems into various practical fields, they understand their types, characteristics and software-hardware background. Graduates know the basics of decision support systems theory and their history.Dovednosti:The graduates are able to use their scientific knowledge in their job in various type of organizations of national and international level. After introduction into organizational practical problems, they are able to apply their knowledge in the middle and higher managerial level for which the system approach is very important for problem decision-making.Kompetence - komunikace:They are able to work individually and also manage the decision making process. They are creative and innovative in design of DSS, system methodologies and models applications. The graduates are able to communicate in teams, consult specific problems and suggest their solutions. They are able to cooperate with experts from various scientific fields.Kompetence - úsudek:The graduates can apply system approach to complex practical problems of various character, their definition, identification of appropriate type of decision support system and. They are able to combine systems methodology, soft and hard approach and use them on all managerial levels for solving well, semi and ill structured problems.


ZákladníTurban Efraim. Decision Support Systems. Wiley, 4th ed., N.Y., 1998.Schaik F.D.J. Effectiveness of Decision Support Systems. Delft University Press, 1988, kapitoly 1, 3, 5.Decision Support systems, The International Journal, North-Holland, ISBN 0137-9236. Selected volumes.Power, D. J. Decision Support Systems - Concepts and Resources for Management, Quorum Books, Westport, Connecticut, 2002.


Basic Mathematics, B.Sc. level of Economy, Management,Management Science, Basic Informatics, MIS, Psychology


doc. RNDr. Helena Brožová, CSc.