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Předmět Fundamentals of Economics I (EEA14E)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu EEA14E - Fundamentals of Economics I, Provozně ekonomická fakulta, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU).

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Další informace


The aim of the course is to give the studebts the basic knowledge on economic categoreis like production factors, results of economic activities, aggregate indicators of the GDP type and their mutual interrelationships on the macroeconomic level. In seminars, students will use the acquired knowledge on practical example and namely will apply it in their seminat projects. project presentation also offers the opportunity to use the relavant terminilogy in English language


PřednáškaIntroduction to the courseTypes of marketsProduction functionsProduction factor capitalFixed capital consumptionProduction factor labourProduction factor landResults of economic activitiesCosts, cost categories, cost calculationYields, profitCosts, cost categories, cost calculationCvičeníIntroductionFactors of productionTypes of marketsResults of economic activityCosts and their stuctureEvaluation

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Graduates have theoretical and practical knowledge from the area of economic theories, specifically theory of consumer demand and theory of firm. Graduates are introduced the laws of microeconomics using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Their knowledge reflects basic know-how on the field of economics. Knowledge from this subjects enables the students to understand the behavior of firm and consumers in the market.Dovednosti:Graduates are able to apply their knowledge of economic theory for the study of behavior of consumers and producers in different markets. They are able to understand the issues of free markets and their failture in a creative and independent manner.Kompetence - komunikace:They can efficiently work in analytical teams and cooperate with qualified professionals. They can share understandably information.Kompetence - úsudek:They possess abilities of analysis and synthesis which provide them with know-how to sort and process information, determine its relevancy and use it to study and solve problems related to functions of a market.


ZákladníSvatoš, M. et al. Economics of Czech and Slovak Agriculture in Integration with the EU. ČZU, Prague, 1999Perman,R., Ma. J.,McGilvray,J. Natural resources and environmental economics. Longman, London, 1996Zemědělská ekonomika 1998-2007 ( selected contributions in English )DoporučenáColander, D.C. Macroeconomics. IRWIN, Inc., Boston, 1995Hanley, N., Spash, C.LK. Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Environment. Edward Elgar Ltd., Aldershot, 1994Barnard, C. S., Nix, J.S. Farm Planning and Control. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986




Ing. Bohuslava Boučková, CSc.