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Předmět Agrarian Policy - EADAN (EED06E)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu EED06E - Agrarian Policy - EADAN, Provozně ekonomická fakulta, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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Introduction into the basic types of economic policies.Included are: policies regarding production factors, trade policies, environmental policies, regional and structural policies including agrarian policy, food and nutrition policy and environmental policies. A short insight into the development policies and economic transformation policies is included (using the Czech Republic as an example). Tackled is also the topic of social-economic policies regarding gender and family in society. Lectures are combined with seminar discussions, using .ppt techniques and Internet, economic games, team case study preparation and presentation.


PřednáškaBasic types, goals, time and space levels of economic policiesEconomic policies with regard to production factors in generalEconomic policies with regard to production factor capitalEconomic policies with regard to production factor labourEconomic policies with regard to production factor landMarket regulation toolsTrade policiesAgrarian policyFood and nutrition policyGrowth and economic development policiesEconomic transformation policies: In general, Czech exampleEconomic and social policies regarding gender and family: gender mainstreaming, gender budgeting, equal opportunitiesCvičeníIntroduction: program and demands of the courseEssay drafts evaluationTradable pollution permits: practical possibilities on international level, situation in the CREssay presentation and evaluationEssay presentation and evaluationEssay presentation and evaluationEssay presentation and evaluationEssay presentation and evaluationEssay presentation and evaluationEssay presentation and evaluationEssay presentation and evaluationEssay presentation and evaluation

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:The graduates have got a complex theoretical knowledge of the basic types of economic policies including their practical application in the CR and the EU. They have mastered the theoretical issues and basic values of economic policies, their time and space levels, possible actors from the internal and external viewpoint. Attention is paid namely to economic policies regarding production factors, market regulation tools and trade liberalisation, environmental policies, food and nutrition policies, tools of economic integration and transfromation. Included are also the potential countra-balances of globalisation, in the frame of social economy.Dovednosti:The graduates are able to apply their theoretical knowledge to the abnalysis of practical problems of economic policy, to discuss them and present them in the written as well as oral form using the modern presentation techniques (.ppt)Kompetence - komunikace:The graduates master the basic approaches to getting information in the field of economic policies, their analysis, synthesis and evaluation, and that both individually as well as in the team cooperation. They are able to present the results in the appropriate oral as well as written form.Kompetence - úsudek:The graduates get the ability to analyse information from different fields of economic policy on the national as well as supra-national level. They can evaluate their practical impacts and the possible variant solutions. They get the system approach to thinking.


ZákladníBENOSSY-QUERE,R.E.et al.Economic policy. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 2004. 256 s. ISBN 978-0-19-532273-6.BAKER,D.Globalisation and Progressive Economic Policy. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.1998.311 s. ISBN 0-521-64360-0.OECD. Economic Policy Reforms 2013.OECD.2013.294s.ISBN 9789264168374(PDF)The Common Agricultural Policy.http//ec.europa.eu/agriculture/cap-overview/2012_en.pdf


General economics Economics of Industries English language


Ing. Bohuslava Boučková, CSc.