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Předmět Macroeconomic Analysis - EMN (EEEE3E)

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This course is concerned mainly with aggregate economic activity. Major emphasis is on factors determining GDP, employment, price level and balance of payments. The purpose of the course is to link the theoretical knowledge of participants with empirical issues in macroeconomics and such a way to improve their analytical and syntactical abilities. The participant will understand the implications of changes in macroeconomic factors from several viewpoints. They will be able to work with empirical studies and to process them as well. Furthermore, they will be aware of the important aspects of theoretical concepts and their confrontation with real world. The course consists of lectures and seminars. Independent work of students out of classes is required.


PřednáškaThe structure of economy and its implicationsThe determinants of aggregate consumption, business investment, imports and exports, government spending and taxationFiscal and monetary policy - the role in economy and their interaction - several empirical studiesMonetary transmission - direct channel, interest rate channel, credit channel, channel of asset price and the channel -1Monetary transmission - direct channel, interest rate channel, credit channel, channel of asset price and the channel -2Price levelPrice level - price puzzleAsymetric information and their role in economyBalance of payments and its determinants in Czech economy (1)Balance of payments and its determinants in Czech economy (2)CvičeníGeneral equilibrium modellingPartial equilibrium modellingMonetary policy modellingFiscal and balance payments modellingOpen economics relationships modelling

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Graduates have theoretical knowledge in the implementation of quantitative methods in the area of macroeconomics. Graduates learn possobilities and limitations of standard analytical methods in macroeconomic analysis. Gained knowledge covers analytical processes and traditional statistical methods. Graduates develop the skills of analysis and synthesis. The knowledge may serve the graduates as a basis for original thinking and as a basis to undestand complex economic processes. At the same time it enables them to participate on the research. This knowledge enables them to work in the areas of analytical and information decision support position of middle and top management. Graduates have clear understanding of the limits of their knowledge and of the contents of further study in this area.Dovednosti:Graduates can apply their knowledge in the area of econometric modeling for the support of decision making process of economic subjects. They can solve economic problems. They are creative and they are able to solve independently non-structured problems.Kompetence - komunikace:They can efficiently work in analytical teams and cooperate with qualified professionals. They can share undestandably information.Kompetence - úsudek:They possess abilities of analysis and synthesis which provide them with know-how to sort and process information, determine data relevancy and gain non-trivial view of the economic problems including ways to solve them. At the same time, they are aware of the limits of their competencies in their field.


ZákladníGIORDANI, P. Essays in Monetary Economics and Applied Econometrics. Stockholm Stockholm school of Economics, Elanders Gotab, 2001. 143 s. ISBN 91-7258-581-1.OKUN, A.M. Prices & Quantities - a macroeconomic analysis. Basil Blackwell Publisher, Oxford, 1981. 382 s. ISBN-10 0815764790.SEDDIGHI, H.R., LAWLER, K.A., KATOS, A.V. Econometrics A Practical Approach. London Routledge, 2000. 390 s., ISBN 0-415-15644-0.DoporučenáFAVERO, C.A. Applied Macroeconometrics. Oxford University Press, 2001. 296 s. ISBN-13 978-0198296850.BANERJEE, A., et al. Co-integration, error correction and the econometric analysis of non-stationary data. Oxford University Press, 2003. 329 s. ISBN 0198287003.MISHKIN, F. The Economic of Money, Banking and financial Markets. New York Scott Foresman and Company, 2012. 736 s. ISBN10 0132961970.SAMUELSON, P.A., NORDHAUS, W.D. Economics. 18th- edition. Boston McGraw-Hill/Irwin, MA. 2001. 744 s. ISBN 0-07-287205-5.TAYLOR, J. The Monetary Transmission Mechanism - an Empirical Framework. Journal of Economic Perspectives, October 1995. 11-26 s. ISSN 0895-3309.


Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Econometric Modelling


doc. Ing. Mansoor Maitah, Ph.D. et Ph.D.