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Předmět Social Economy (EEEE4E)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu EEEE4E - Social Economy, Provozně ekonomická fakulta, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (ČZU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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Introduction into the topic of social economy as one of the important alternative economic phenomenon in the present world. Students get acqainted with the theoretical base of SE including some of the representatives of the theory on the world level., as well as with the practical examples of the SE institutions and enterprises on the EU and CR level. Specofoc examples, as the implementation of the Public Private Partnership and Fair Trade are included. Students apply the knowledge on the preparation of group project of a SE entrprise of the selected type and its presentation.


PřednáškaDefinition and key concepts of social economyTheoretical base of SE: Human capital, social capital, their measurementJaroslav Vanek: Cooperative economy, Labour manged economy, Solidarity-base economySocial economy organisations and enterprises: definition, origin and development, management, financing, typologySocial economy in the field of social credits, loans, insuranceCo-operatives as a part of social economy: Co-operative values and principles, typology of co-operatives Social economy in the EU: documents, examples, programs and projectsSocial economy enterprises in the CR: types, functioning, supportPublic Private Partnership:definition, orinin, goalsFair Trade:definition, goals, principlesCvičeníAimas, content and demands of the courseGroup projects presentationsGroup projects presentationsGroup projects presentationsGroup projects presentations

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:The graduates get basic knowledge in the base, main characteristics and principled of social economy as the so-called sub-sector of the third sector of economy. They are acquainted with the possibleforms of the social economy organisations and enterprises and their practical application in the EU and CR.Dovednosti:They are able to select the relevant socio-economic problem of the defined community, its target group, and to propose the possible solutions in the frame of social economy including their economic evaluation. They are able to present the proposed project in an appropriate form and to underline its strong points, weak points, opportunities and threats.Kompetence - komunikace:They are able to prepare the project proposal in a transparent form, to chose a relevant and attractive name of it, to present their solution and to defent it against the opponents.Kompetence - úsudek:They can select the actual problems of the community, to define the target group of solution and to chose the variant forms of solution.


ZákladníQUATER,J.,MOOK,L.,ARMSTRONG,G.Understanding the Social Economy. Toronto. Toronto University Press.2006.387s.ISBN 978-0-8020-9645-6.VANEK,J.Labour-Managed Economy.N.Y. Cornell University Press.1997.424s.ISBN 978-0801409554.ASH,A. The Social Economy. N.Y. ZED Books LTD.288s.ISBN 9781848132825.DoporučenáOECD.Local Economic and Employment Development.OECD. 2007. 250s.ISBN 97-892640398-72.Review of Social Economy .The Journal of the Association for Social Economics.www.tandf.co.uk


Fundamentals of Social Science English language on good spoken and written level


Ing. Bohuslava Boučková, CSc.