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Předmět General Economics - International Economics - EMN (ENE26E)

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This course introduces models of international trade and applies the theory to analyze gains from trade, pattern of trade, protectionism, balance of payments, exchange rate determination, international policy coordination and international labor and capital markets.


PřednáškaWorld trade: An OverviewLabor Productivity and Comparative AdvantageResources, Comparative Advantage, and Income DistributionStandard Trade ModelEconomies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International TradeInternational Factor MovementsInstruments of Trade PolicyThe Political Economy of Trade PolicyTrade Policy in Developing CountriesControversies in Trade PoliciesNational Income Accounting and Balance of PaymentsExchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market: An Asset ApproachCvičeníWorld trade: An OverviewLabor Productivity and Comparative AdvantageResources, Comparative Advantage, and Income DistributionStandard Trade ModelEconomies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International TradeInternational Factor MovementsInstruments of Trade PolicyThe Political Economy of Trade PolicyTrade Policy in Developing CountriesControversies in Trade PoliciesNational Income Accounting and Balance of PaymentsExchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market: An Asset Approach

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Students will become acquainted with the mainstream models of international trade. They will be able to use them to analyze problems related to global economic activities. Students will be able to build up their further understanding of the complexities of the international trade.Dovednosti:Students can understand and analyze the impact of trade barriers and subsidies on international trade in goods and service markets in today global economy. They will be able to analyze impact of the international trade on labor and capital markets in trading economies.Kompetence - komunikace:Students are able to effectively communicate with other professionals working in the area of international trade, as well as with a general public on topics of international trade and policies management.Kompetence - úsudek:Students are able to collect and analyze relevant data about international trade activities and development. Students are also aware of limitations of their knowledge and expertise.


ZákladníKRUGMAN, P.R., OBSTFELD, M. International Economics, Theory and Policy. 7. vyd. Boston Pearson-Addison Wesley, 2005. 680 s. ISBN 978-0321293831DoporučenáGANDOLFO, G. International Trade Theory and Policy. 1. vyd. New York Springer, 1998. 567 s. ISBN 978-3540643166HUSTED, S, MELVIN, M. International Economics, 7. vyd. New Yersey Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. Pearson. ISBN 978-8958322559SAWYER, CH., SPRINKLE, R. International Economics, 3. vyd. New Yersey Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2008. 576 s.ISBN 978-0136054696


Basic Macro and Micro economic course


PhDr. Oldřich Ludwig Dittrich, MPH, Ph.D.