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Předmět Fundamentals of Economics I (ENE27E)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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- to familiarize the student with the basic concepts and methods of microeconomics - the study of how consumers and producers make their decisions and interact in markets, under conditions of perfect and imperfect competition. - to enable the student to


PřednáškaIntroductionSupply, Demand and Market EquilibriumConsumer Choice and the Demand CurveIndifference Curves and Budget Constraints, Consumers' OptimumTheory of the FirmProduction and Cost functionsProfit maximizationMarket Structure - Perfect Competition, Imperfect CompetitionFactors of productionLabor Market, Capital Market, Land MarketGeneral Equilibrium and EfficiencyMarket FailuresCvičeníMath as a tool for economic analysisSupply and Demand - Search for the market equilibriumConsumer Choice - Cardinalistic Theory of UtilityConsumers' choice - Ordinalistic Theory of UtilityProduction Function, Marginal and Average ProductCost FunctionProfit Maximization and Supply in Perfect Competition and Imperfect CompetitionPerfect and Imperfect Competition in Factor MarketsGeneral Equilibrium and EfficiencyMarket FailuresExamples of MarketsRecapitulation

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:The classical model of the profit maximization is at the center of the instruction set. Students will also get acquainted with alternative models of firm behavior. Monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition and joint production models are also presented. On this foundation of the economic concepts, student can plan further studies.Dovednosti:Students are capable to apply their knowledge in the corporate environment. They can analyze and suggest solution to variety of problems in search of solution related to activities of the corporation.Kompetence - komunikace:Students are in the position to explain issues and their approach in dealing with problems in the area of microeconomics and suggest appropriate solutions to their peers and a general public alike.Kompetence - úsudek:Students will be able to gather and analyze data of corporations. They are aware of the complex nature of the firm behavior and therefore of limitation of the analysis.


ZákladníFRANK R.H. Microeconomics and Behavior. 8.vyd. New York McGraw-Hill, 2009. ISBN 978-0070166745SAMUELSON, P.A., NORDHAUS, W. Economic. 19. vyd. New York McGraw-Hill, 2009. ISBN 978-0073511290DoporučenáPINDYCK, R.S., RUBINFELD, D.L. Microekonomics. 6. vyd. London Prentice Hall International, 2004. ISBN 978-0130084613MANKIW, N.G. Principles of Microeconomics. 6.vyd. Texas Dryden Press, 2011. ISBN 978-0538453042




PhDr. Oldřich Ludwig Dittrich, MPH, Ph.D.