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Předmět Natural Resources Management - EM (EREE1E)

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Cílem tohoto předmětu je provést studenty moderními znalostmi řízení přírodních zdrojů. Teorie je přednesena v přednáškách a důsledky pro řízení ve cvičeních, a to na případových studiích a projektech. Absolventi předmětu jsou schopni zacházet s různými systémy řízení přírodních zdrojů v podniku, regionu nebo na národní, či mezinárodní úrovni.


PřednáškaIntroduction to the subject, basic concepts of utilization of natural resourcesNonrenewable natural resources and their specifics (history, position, utilization, perspectives)Renewable and alternative natural resources and their specifics (history, position, utilization, perspective)Overview and recapitulation of common management theory and basic managerial toolsForecasting as a basic tool of effective natural resources management in competitive economy IForecasting as a basic tool of effective natural resources management in competitive economy IIPlanning as a result of forecasting in natural resources managementOperations management as a key factor of company effectiveness I (basics on operations management, operations planning,Operations management as a key factor of company effectiveness II (spatial aspects, capacity strategies, quality assuranOperations management as a key factor of company effectiveness III (facility layout and design tactics)How does it all tie together? (comprehensive case study - application of previous lectures)Stakeholders analysis in context of natural resources utilization and stakeholders themselves (public, nonprofit, commerEthic dimension of natural resources management, environmentalism and nature preservationPass-eligibleCvičeníIntroduction, requirements for obtaining credit, seminars organizationNon-renewable energy resources - crude oil (history, position, utilization, perspective)Non-renewable energy resources - natural gas (history, position, utilization, perspective)Non-renewable energy resources - coal (history, position, utilization, perspective)Non-renewable energy resources - uranium & radioactive ores (history, position, utilization, perspective)Non-renewable metal resources - iron (history, position, utilization, perspective)Non-renewable metal resources - rare minerals (history, position, utilization, perspective)Waste management (history, position, perspective)Renewable energy resources - solar radiation (history, position, utilization, perspective)Renewable energy resources - wind (history, position, utilization, perspective)Renewable energy resources - biomass & "bio-energy" (history, position, utilization, perspective)Water (history, position, utilization, perspective)Case study/project assignmentCase study/project results presentation

Získané způsobilosti

Znalosti:Graduates have the theoretical knowledge in selected areas of management of natural resources. They understand the basic concepts, laws and theories, which correspond to the usage of economic exploitation of natural resources to sustainable growth. They have a basic knowledge of the practical management of the industry and the product development trends, and prevailing world trends in environmental fields. They have special knowledge about renewable and non-renewable resources and usable procedures. Knowledge expands on that from other related subjects of the programme. Graduates have a clear awareness of the limitations of their knowledge and understanding of the content of further studies in these fields.Dovednosti:They are able to apply their knowledge in practical applications, especially in the strategic management of natural resources exploitation and use of available tools in addressing typical environmental and economic issues-oriented problems. They have a basic knowledge of operations management, forecasting and planning procedures, which they can demonstrate by the use of knowledge about economic and non-economic, ethical and social contexts.Kompetence - komunikace:They effectively act as managers and are able to communicate and manage their activities with subordinates and specialists. They can clearly communicate information. They have the basic knowledge of PR communication with the general public and experts.Kompetence - úsudek:They are able to preview the selected constructs in the field of management, economics, resources and environment. Are aware of the limitations of their competencies in the area. They are familiar with the need for transferring skills between specialists in the field.


ZákladníBromley, D.W. Handbook of Environmental Economics, Blackwell (1995). ISBN 1557866414Hanley N., Shogren J.F., White B. Environmental Economics in Theory and Practice, Macmillan (1997). ISBN 019521255XDoporučenáArmstrong, J. S. Long Range Forecasting. Canada John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1985. ISBN 0-471-82360-0.Koontz, H., Weihrich, H. Management A global perspective, McGraw-Hill (1992). ISBN 0070691703Mansour, P. T., Williams, F. P. Production/Operations Management Manual. Milton John Wiley & Sons, 2000. ISBN unassigned.


Fundaments of Economics I., Fundaments of Economics II., Fundaments of Management


doc. Ing. Zdeněk Linhart, CSc.