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Předmět je tvořen třemi submoduly:1) The Mystery of Central Europe. The Concept of the Czench National Identity. Roma the Issue of Exclusion. Migration and a New Role of Central Europe in Enlarged European Union , Ethnic Stereotypes and the Czech Commercial Culture.2) Social pedagogy in the context of identity politics and ethnic identity maintenance and formation3) Sociological Imagination, Visual sociology and Visual Activism

Získané způsobilosti

Po absolvování kurzu budou studenti schopni:" aplikovat vybrané teorie z oblasti migračních studií, visuální sociologie a politologiepochopit vliv stereotypů v minulosti a současnosti; pochopit, které nové metody jsou používány k vytváření stereotypů; pochopit nové rozdělení mezi "my" a "oni"pochopit historické souvislosti a fakta o etnické a jazykové diverzitě Českých zemípochopit pozici České republiky v dnešní Evropě s ohledem na zaměření kurzupochopit vizuální rozměr konstrukce identity a stereotypizacenavrhnout výzkumný projekt založený na vizuálních metodáchreprezentovat vědecké poznání v multimediální podoběaplikovat vizuální metody ke sběru dat týkajících se migrace a tématu "podobnosti/odlišnosti"


Grady, John:. "Working with Visible Evidence: An Invitation and Some Practical Advice." Pp. 18-32 in Carolen Knowles, Paul Sweetman (eds.). Picturing the Social Landscape: Visual Methods and the Sociological Imagination, edited by Caroline Knowles and Paul Sweetman, 18-32. London: Routledge. 2004. Kolaja, J.:. A Sociological Note on the Czechoslovak Anti-communist Refugee in: The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 58, No. 3 (Nov., 1952). The University of Chicago Press. (pp. 289-291). Krase, J.:. A Visual Approach to Multiculturalism. In: Prato, G. B. (ed.) (2009): Beyond Multiculturalism: Views from Anthropology. Surrey: Ashgate. Wagner, Jon:. "Constructing Credible Images. Documentary Studies, Social Research, and Visual Studies." American Behavioral Scientist 47(12): 1477-1506. 2004. Tyler, F B.:. Cultures, communities, competence, and change. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. 2001. Latour, Bruno:. "Drawing Things Together." in Lynch, Michael, Steve Woolgar (eds.), Representation in Scientific Practice, 19-68. Cambridge, London: The MIT Press. 1990. Barša, P.:. Ethnocultural Justice in East European States and the Case of the Czech Roma in: Kymlicka, W., Opalski, M. (eds.) Can Liberal Pluralism be Exported? Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-924815-X (pp. 243-258). Batt, J.:. Introduction : Defining Central and Eastern Europe in : White, S., Batt, J., Lewis, P. G. (eds.) Developments in Central and East European Politics. New York: Palgrave, 2003. ISBN 0-333-94878-7 (pp. 3-22). Murad, S.:. Migration and the New Role of Central Europe in Enlarged European Union. Banks, J.A. a Banks, Ch., A. McGee:. Multicultural Education. Issues and Perspectives. Allyn and Bacon, London. 1997. Taylor, C. R., Lee, J. Y.:. Not in Vogue: Portrayals of Asian Americans in Magazine Advertising in: Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Fall, 1994). American Marketing Association. (pp. 239-245). Prosser, Jon, Dona Schwartz:. "Photographs within the Sociological Research Process." Pp. 101-115 in Jon Prosser (ed.). Image-based Research. A Sourcebook for Qualitative Researchers. London: Routledge. 2005. Woodward, K.:. Questioning Identity: Gender, Nation. Routledge, London. 2000. Pehe, J.:. Refugees in Modern Czech History in: UNHCR, Flight and Exile in Art. Prague, 2002. (pp. 22-24). Eriksen, T.H.:. Small Places Large Issues. Pluto Press, London. 2002. Rapport, N., Overing, J.:. Social and Cultural Anthropology: The Key Concepts. Routledge, London 2000. KUNDA, Z.:. Social cognition: Making sense of people. Cambridge, MA, M.I.T. Press, 2001. Surrenti, S.:. The Consumption of Experience and the Ethnic Market: Cosmopolitan Identity beyond Multiculturalism. In: Prato, G. B. (ed.) (2009): Beyond Multiculturalism: Views from Anthropology. Surrey: Ashgate. Markus, H.R., & Kitayama, S.:. The cultural construction of self and emotion: Implications for social behavior, in S. Kitayama and H.R. Markus (Eds.), Emotion and culture: Empirical studies of mutual influence. Washington, DC: APA publication.1994. Johnson, K. J.:. The Curious Tale of the Polish Plumber: Rebranding Nations for the Social and Political Situations. Advertising & Society Review. Volume 12, Issue 1, 2011. The Advertising Educational Foundation. Guilbernaw, M. a Rex, J.:. The Ethnicity Reader. Polity Press, London. 1997. Holy, L.:. The Little Czech and the Great Czech Nation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. ISBN 0-521-554691 (Introduction, pp. 1-15; The nation and the individual, pp. 61 - 66; Nationalism and emigration, pp. 66 - 69; Self-stereotypes and national traditions, pp. 72 - 113). Havel, V.:. The Oslo Conference on "The Anatomy of Hate" In: The Art of the Impossible.Politics as Morality in Practice. New York and Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf 1997. ISBN 0-679-45106-4. (pp. 55-65). Kundera, M.:. The Tragedy of Central Europe in: The New York Review of Books (pre-1986), Vol. 31, No. 007 (Apr. 26, 1984). ProQuest Central. (pp. 33-38). Pauwels, Luc.:. "The video- and multimedia-article as a mode of scholarly communication: toward scientifically informed expression and aesthetics." Visual Studies 17(2): 150-159. 2002. Wiles, Rose; Prosser, Jon; Bagnoli, Anna et al.:. Visual Ethics: Ethical Issues in Visual Research. NCRM. 2008. Rose, Gillian.:. Visual Methodologies. An Introduction the the Interpretation of Visual Materials. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage. [Chapter 11: Making photographs as part of a research project: photo-elicitation, photo-documentation and other uses of photos. (pp. 237-256)]. Becker, Howard S.:. "Visual Sociology, Documentary Photography, and Photojournalism: It s (Almost) All a Matter of Context." Visual Studies 10(1): 5-14. 1995. Pauwels, Luc.:. "Visual Sociology Reframed: An Analytical Synthesis and Discussion of Visual Methods in Social and Cultural Research." Sociological Methods & Research 38(4): 545-581. 2010. Becker, Howard, S.:. "What Schould Sociology Look Like in the (Near) Future?" Contemporary Sociology 29(2): 333-336. 2000.


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PhDr. Salim Murad, Ph.D.Mgr. Michal Šimůnek, Ph.D.


PhDr. Salim Murad, Ph.D.Mgr. Michal Šimůnek, Ph.D.