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Předmět Introduction to Bioinformatics-exercises (KMB / 604)

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Další informace


Introduction to bioinformatics. Where the sequences came from? Classical and new generation sequencing technologies, advantages and disadvantages. Eukaryotic high order taxonomy (eukaryotic supergroups and their basic characteristics). Biological databases (sequence databases, NCBI, JGI and others). How to specify sequence similarity. Construction of multiple alignments. Substitution matrices. Hidden Markov Chains and their use in bioinformatics. Molecular phylogenetics (introduction, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, distance methods). Phylogenetic artifacts and how to deal with them. (LBA, nucleotide and amino acid bias, advanced models in phylobayes, Slow-fast method, AsaturA). Prediction of protein targeting (protein targeting to mitochondria, primary and secondary plastids). Mammalian genomes - databases, searching, information available; Bioinformatics of gene expression - microarrays, expressed sequence tags, other techniques and corresponding information sources and their potential uses. Bioinformatic statistics - microarray data, understanding and estimating statistical parameters, Bonferroni correction; Protein structure bioinformatics - prediction of biophysical properties, prediction of protein structure ab initio, protein threading; Informatics of bioimaging; Perl - scalar variables, array variables, conditional statements, loops, regular expressions, input/output, interacting with internet databases, extensibility.


Periodicity: each academic year.


prof. Ing. Miroslav Oborník, Dr.


prof. Ing. Miroslav Oborník, Dr.