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Předmět Molecular Biology and Genetics I (KMB / 758)

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Contents of lectures:1.Introduction to molecular biology: History and application of molecular biology in today's science.2.Molecular structure of genes and chromosome: Molecular definition of a gene, chromosomal organization of genes and noncoding DNA, structural organization of chromosomes.3.Basic molecular genetic mechanisms, Replication of DNA: Understanding the central dogma of molecular biology and overview of basic molecular genetic mechanisms. Basic features of DNA replication in vivo.4.Transcription and RNA processing, Translation and the genetic code: Principles of transcription in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, basic regulation of gene expression at transcriptional and postranscriptional level. Principles of translation, genetic code.5. Mutation, DNA repair, and recombination: Molecular basis of mutations, induced mutagenesis, overview of repair mechanisms and principles of recombination.6.Basic techniques of molecular biology: Overview of molecular biology techniques and their use in modern research.7.Recombinant DNA technology, the polymerase chain reaction: Cloning genes, principle of polymerase chain reaction and its applications.8.Molecular analysis of genes and gene products: Use of recombinant DNA technology to identify genes, molecular diagnosis of human diseases.9.Regulation of gene expression in Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes and the genetic control of development: Operon, molecular control of transcription in Eukaryotes, gene expression and chromosome organization, mechanisms of regulation of gene expression during development.10.Cell-to-cell signaling and signal transduction: Receptors, hormones, overview of signaling pathways, interaction and regulation of signaling pathways.11.Cell cycle: Overview of the cell cycle and its control, models for studying cell cycle.12.Cancer: Genetic and molecular basis of cancer, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, genetic pathways to cancer and treatment.13.Cytoskeleton: Cell motility and shape, microfilaments and microtubules dynamics and motor proteins, connections to cell division, adhesion and communication.14. Molecular biology of model organisms: Overview of the most used models and model organisms in basic research, their genetics and molecular biology, principles and methods of genetic manipulations.15.Overvieof molecular biology applications in modern basic and applied science: Summary of the course in context of using molecular biology in modern research.


Harvey Lodish et al.: Molecular Cell Biology - Fifth Edition, W.H. Freeman, 2004.


Periodicita: v každém akademickém roce.


Alexander W. Bruce, Ph.D.


Alexander W. Bruce, Ph.D.