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Předmět Evolution of the brain and intelligence (KZO / 055)

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Content of lectures 1.- Introduction to comparative neuroscience: what is the brain?What are the origins of the central nervous system? We will discuss both evolutionary and developmental pathways leading to how brains are organized. Is there a basic architectural plan of the brain? We know major differences between vertebrate and invertebrate brains, but are there any common structural and developmental patterns?2.- Evolution of brain sizeScaling rules for relative brain size among various taxonomic groups of vertebrates. Introduction to the concepts of allometric scaling and encephalization. Functional correlates of relative brain size: metabolism, diet, migration, group size.3.- Brain size and neuron numbersAsssessment of brain complexity. Relations of brain size to numbers of cellular components. Cellular scaling rules.4.- Evolution of brain compartmentsDo all vertebrates possess the same brain compartments? What does homology mean in the nervous system? Comparing adult brains versus comparing embryonic brains. Mosaic and concerted evolution of brain structures.5.- Paleoneurology - neuroanatomy of extinct animals: basal amniotes, dinosaurs, hominids.Fossil record in comparative neuroanatomy. Endocasts and their reliability in acquiring insight into evolutionary history of brains. Examples from vertebrate lineage: dinosaurs, early birds, basal and crown mammals. Can we reconstruct extinct brains from data on extant species brains?6.- Sensory specializations in the nervous system of vertebratesSpecialized sensory organs for a variety of sensory modalities. Species differences in sensory discrimination. Central nervous system components specialized in processing sensory data. Examples of divergent and convergent evolution in sensory processing.7.- Cognitive complexity in animalsMeasures of cognitive ability in animals. Species-specific behavior. Spatial memory. Tool use. Social behavior. Self-recognition and the theory of mind in animals.8.- Cortical evolution in mammalsCortical maps. The origin of sensory areas and the association cortex. What determines the number and size of cortical areas? Cortical folding and corticalization in mammals. Are there any cortical areas unique to humans?Content of practicals 9.- Basic methods in comparative neurobiologyHow to handle brain tissue of various vertebrates? Comparing external morphology to see how various brain compartments differ in size and shape. Dissection of the brains, anatomical drawings, introduction to brain atlases. Basic neuroanatomical staining (cresyl violet). Internal anatomy of the brain. Analysis and discussion of anatomical data. Oral presentation: an anatomical description of a chosen brain section from a vertebrate brain.


Butler A.B. and Hodos, W. (2005) Comparative Vertebrate Neuroanatomy: Evolution and Adaptation. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. Kaas, J.H. (Ed.) (2006) Evolution Of Nervous Systems - A Comprehensive Reference. Amsterdam: Academic Press. Striedter, G.F. (2005) Principles of Brain Evolution. Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates.


Students are encouraged to make appointments for consultation in matters regarding the lecture and practicals.


Dr. Seweryn Olkowicz, Ph.D.


Dr. Seweryn Olkowicz, Ph.D.Dr. Seweryn Olkowicz, Ph.D.