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Předmět Macroecol. and species distrib. models (KZO / 059)

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Content of lectures:1.- Open access biodiversity data bases2.- Environmental Data3.- Species distribution models1.- Open access biodiversity data basesDifferent open access biodiversity data bases are available on the internet. These biodiversity data bases contain specific information about species, including geo-referenced occurrences. There are general databases, like GBIF or IUCN. Palaeontological databases, like Paleobiology database, NOW or Neotoma. Fish data bases, like FishBase. Plant or vegetation databases, like SIVIM or ANTHOS? etc. This is the first time that these data are accessible and ready to use for a single ecologist. Using this global biodiversity information we could be able to answer large scale ecological questions and, as a result, macroecological studies are increasing their number exponentially.This first day we are going to discuss their specific problems of those data bases, namely; spatial, temporal and taxonomic biases.2.- Environmental DataVariables such as climatic conditions, altitude, pH, land cover, etc. are also available in GIS format. Combining the biodiversity data from the open access data bases and those environmental variables, we can investigate and answer macroecological and biogeographical questions.This second day, we are going to analyze the differences between WorldClim layers andGeneral Circulation Models (GCM) layers. Besides, we are going to learn how to download and use this information.3.- Species distribution modelsSpecies distribution models are used to predict the geographic distribution of a species. This is one of the potential kinds of models that could be used in macroecology. There are several statistic and mathematic methods to construct these models.This third day we are going to learn what is Bioclim, Domain, Enfa, GLM/GAM, BRT, ANN, Maxent and Mahalanobis distances.Content of practicals 4.- Develop your own spatial prediction5.- Oral presentations¨Content of practicals:4.- Develop your own spatial prediction.During our forth day we are going to do a practical lesson. Students should answer a macroecological/biogeographical question by:1.- Downloading the biological information from an open access data base2.- Constructing a species distribution model3.- Interpreting their results5.- Oral presentationsOral presentation and discussion of the students exercises.


Araújo, M. B., and D. M. Luoto. 2007. The importance of biotic interactions for modelling species distributions under climate change. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16:743-753. Austin, M. P. 2002. Spatial prediction of species distribution: an interface between ecological theory and statistical modelling. Ecological Modelling 157:101-118. Elith, J., Kearney, M. and Phillips, S. 2010. The art of modelling range-shifting species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1, 330-342. Elith, J., Phillips, S., Hastie, T., Dudik, M., Chee, Y., Yates, C. 2011. A statistical explanation of MaxEnt for ecologists. Diversity and Distributions 17, 43-57.


Periodicita: předmět běží každý akademický rokKnowledge of R language is a big advantage.


Dr. Sara Varela Gonzales


Dr. Sara Varela GonzalesDr. Sara Varela Gonzales