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Předmět Intercultural Communication (CZS50)

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The aim of the course is to enhance students’ intercultural awareness and improve their communication skills in intercultural settings.Students will explore how various cultures worldwide, including their own, are defined through verbal and non-verbal language, symbols and meanings assigned to the symbols, cultural values and perception of those values. The importance of international understanding and intercultural communication inside as well as outside the school context is emphasized. At the end of the course, students should be able to recognize aspects of intercultural communication; improve their communication strategies used in intercultural settings; apply various dimensions of culture in intercultural conflicts. Students should also develop positive attitudes towards other cultures and improve their skills as intercultural speakers of English.The course uses all the advantages of an e-learning environment: all study materials, readings, and activities for students are fully web-based.


1.Introduction2.Culture and communication3.Cultural identity4.Cultural awareness and cultural differences5.Explaining differences and similarities across cultures in Europe and elsewhere6.Cultural values7.Seeing the others: developing stereotypes and making judgments8.National cultures and cultural diversity9.Women and men in conversation: social identities affecting communication10.Western, Japanese, and other styles of conversation11.Differences in cultural values, communication and learning styles in an intercultural classroom setting12.Effective Intercultural Communication


Mgr. Martin Glogar


Mgr. Zdeněk Janík, M.A., Ph.D.