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Předmět Macroeconomics 1 (BPE_MAC1)

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The course is devoted to applications and policy. The major objective of the course is to help students to understand recent developments in Macroeconomics. Over the semester, students will learn stylized facts of business cycle fluctuations, economic growth, and unemployment. Students will become familiar with macroeconomic data and will learn how to construct and use major macroeconomic statistics. We will analyze the issues of open economy such as gains from trade and implications of different exchange rate regimes. Finally, students will be familiarized with a scope of policies used to improve macroeconomic performance.


Lecture 1.Introduction. The data of Macroeconomics (Chapter 23 and 24)Lecture 2.Economic growth (Chapter 25)Lecture 3.Labor markets and unemployment (Chapter 28)Lecture 4.Saving, investment and the financial systém (Chapter 26)Lecture 5.Money, Monetary System and Inflation (Chapter 29 and 30)Lecture 6.MidtermLecture 7.The Open Economy I (Chapter 31)Lecture 8.The Open Economy II (Chapter 32)Lecture 9.Aggregate demand and aggregate supply (Chapter 33)Lecture 10.The influence of monetary and fiscal policy on aggregate demand (Chapter 34)Lecture 11.Aggregate supply and the short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment (Chapter 35)Lecture 12.The causes of financial crisis of 2007-2009


povinná literaturaTextbook:MANKIW, N. Gregory. Principles of economics. 4th ed. Mason: Thomson Higher Education, 2007. 896 s. ISBN 978-0-324-22472-6. infoAny later editions of the above mentioned textbook you find in the library would do. Lecturer urges students to read the textbook in English rather than its Czech translation.


(! BKE_MAE1 Makroekonomie 1 ) && (! BPE_MAE1 Makroekonomie 1 ) && (! NOWANY ( BKE_MAE1 Makroekonomie 1 , BPE_MAE1 Makroekonomie 1 ))


doc. Ing. Libor Žídek, Ph.D.


Mgr. Miroslava FederičováMgr. Miroslava Federičová