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Předmět Financial Markets (MPF_AFIM)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu MPF_AFIM - Financial Markets, Ekonomicko-správní fakulta, Masarykova univerzita (MU).

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A student will be able to specify and characterize structures and forms of financial markets with the focus on money market, bond and equity market, derivative market and commercial banking sector. A student will be able to classify particular financial products from the suitable segment of a financial market and calculate and evaluate investment yield of this products according to risk, revenue and liquidity. A student will be to discuss about advantages and disadvantages related with individual investment products and will be oriented in all financial market segments. In the section deals with a commercial banking sector a student will be able to determine the role of banks on financial markets, understand the importance of bank regulation and discuss about advantages and disadvantages related with fund transfer through investment products and/ or bank instruments.


Lectures:1. Overview of the Financial Environment2. Money Markets3. Bond Markets4. Equity Market, Stock Offering and Investor Monitoring,5. Stock Valuation and Risk6. Mutual Fund Operations7. Financial Futures Markets8. Option Markets9. Mortgage Markets10. Commercial Banking - Commercial Bank Operations11. Commercial Banking - Bank Regulation and Bank Management12. Commercial Banking - Bank Management13. Summary of InvestmentsSeminars:1. Introduction of the seminar2. Overview of the Financial Environment3. Money Markets and Bond Markets4. Progress test no 15. Equity Market, Stock Offering and Investor Monitoring,6. Stock Valuation and Risk7. Mutual Fund Operations8. Financial Futures Markets9. Option Markets10. Mortgage Markets11. Progress test no 212. Commercial Banking - Commercial Bank Operations13. Commercial Banking - Bank Regulation and Bank Management


povinná literaturaMADURA, Jeff. Financial markets and institutions. Abridget 9th ed. Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011. xxix, 714. ISBN 9780538482493. infodoporučená literaturaMISHKIN, Frederic S. a Stanley G. EAKINS. Financial markets and institutions. 6th ed. Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. xxxix, 675. ISBN 978-0-321-37421-9. info


( SOUHLAS ) &&((! BPF_FMRA Financial Markets )|| (! BPF_FMRN Finanzmärkte )|| (! BPF_FITR Finanční trhy ))


Ing. Dagmar Linnertová, Ph.D.


Ing. Dagmar Linnertová, Ph.D.Ing. Dagmar Linnertová, Ph.D.