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Předmět Application of Economic-Mathematical Models (MPM_AEM1)

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The aim of this course is an introduction to the study of Mathematical Models. Students will be able to understand models in economy and to formulate new ones.


1st Models of decision situationsNon-conflict situations1.1 models2.1 models of conflict situations2.1.1 Conflicts of two intelligent players2.1.1.1 antagonistic conflicts2.1.1.2 non-antagonistic conflicts2.1.2 conflicts with more participants2.1.2.1 noncooperative theory2.1.2.2 Cooperative Theory2.1.3 unintelligent participants2nd models of chaos2.1 The concept of dimension2.2 Iregularni and fragmentation in the nature2.3 How long is the coastline of Great Britain?2.4 Examples of fractals from the Art Nouveau period2.5 The fractal view of the galaxy2.6 Relationship between the length, the volume and the surface2.7 The surfaces of the positive volume2.8 Stochastics3rd Deterministic models of population growth4th Some elements of stochastic models5th Coincidence and synchronicity rather than causality5.1 Classic Chinese Book of Changes


Barro, R., Martin, X. S.: Economic Growth 1995, ISBN 0-262-02459-4Mandelbrot, Benoit B. The fractal geometry of nature. Update and augmented. New York : W.H. Freeman, 1983. 468 s. ISBN 0-7167-1186-9.Pirere N. V. Tu: Dynamical systems, An Introduction with Applications in Economics and Bilology ISBN: 3-540-55780-6, 0-387-557780-6Bouchaud J.-P., Potters M. Theory of financial risks.. from statistical physics to risk management (CUP, 2000)(no p.128-129)(L)(T)(116s)Maňas, M.: Teorie her a optimální rozhodování, SNTL, Praha, 1974


(! MPM_AEMM Application of Economic-Mathem )Basics of mathematical analysis and algebra


RNDr. Luboš Bauer, CSc.


RNDr. Václav Studený, Ph.D.RNDr. Václav Studený, Ph.D.