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Předmět Úvod do studia kultury Velké Britanie I (AJ06001)

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This course is an encapsulation of the history of Britain and its former colonies, with particular attention paid to the developing role of monarchical institutions and their impact on mechanisms of power, social conditions, and cultural production. Emphasis is placed on the changing discourses of British life (social, medical, ethical, religious, legal, political, monetary, scholarly, and familial), complex discourses which arose from the first Roman interchanges with the Celts, matured throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and were advanced by the establishment of Britain's almost-global dominance during the reign of Victoria.At the end of the course, students will be able to discuss historical events with greater sensitivity and appreciation, and will have an understanding of the contexts from which those British events arose.


Week 1: Introduction. Weeks 2-3: Celtic and Roman Periods (BCE - 450 CE). Weeks 4-5: Anglo-Saxon Period (450 - 1066 CE). Weeks 6-7: Early Middle Ages (1066 - 1290 CE). Weeks 8-9: Later Middle Ages (1290 - 1485 CE). Week 10: Tudor Age (1485 - 1603 CE). Week 11: Stuart Age (1603 - 1688 CE). Weeks 12-13: Augustan Period (1688 - 1789 CE).


povinná literaturaThe Oxford illustrated history of Britain. Edited by Kenneth O. Morgan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984. xiv, 640 p. ISBN 0-19-822684-5. infodoporučená literaturaDavid McDowall, An Illustrated History of Britain (1989)Various authors. British Studies: A Reader (Masaryk University Press, 2002)


Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A.


doc. Michael Matthew Kaylor, PhD.