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One of the best ways to build your vocabulary is to remember collocations rather than single words. The best way to study collocations is in phrases or sentences showing how they are used. Continuous work throughout the term is a must. In the process you will master using the latest technology available in this field.


Week 1 IntroductionWeek 2 Strong collocations 1, 2; CiU test 1Week 3 Strong collocations 3, 4; CiU test 2Week 4 Strong collocations 5, 6; CiU test 3Week 5 Strong collocations 7, 8; CiU test 4Reading Week Revision; CiU test 5Week 7 Strong collocations 9, 10; CiU test 6Week 8 Strong collocations 11, 12; CiU test 7Week 9 Strong collocations 13, 14; CiU test 8Week 10 Strong collocations 15; CiU test 9Week 11 Revision; CiU test 10Week 12 Final Test


povinná literaturaEnglish collocations in use.how words work together for fluent and natural English : self-study and classroom use. Edited by Felicity O'Dell - Michael McCarthy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 188 s. ISBN 978-0-521-70780-0. infodoporučená literaturaOxford collocations dictionary :for students of English. Edited by Colin McIntosh - Ben Francis - Richard Poole. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. xii, 963 s. ISBN 9780194325387. infoMacmillan english dictionary :for advanced learners. 1st ed. Oxford: Macmillan, 2002. xiv, 1692. ISBN 0-333-99093-5. infoneurčenoLTP Dictionary of selected collocations (Variant.) : Dictionary of selected collocations. infoMacmillan collocations dictionary. Edited by Michael Rundell. 1st ed. Oxford: Macmillan, 2010. xiii, 911. ISBN 9780230724037. infoKLÉGR, Aleš a Norah HRONKOVÁ. Do you know your english adjectives? :a czech-english dictionary of noun-adjective combinations. Vyd. 1. Praha: Leda, 1994. 378 s. ISBN 80-901664-0-7. infoZnáte anglická slovesa? :Česko-anglický slovník nejužívanějších spojení podstatných jmen se slovesy. Edited by Aleš Klégr - Norah Hronková - Zdeněk Hron. 1. vyd. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1991. 334 s. ISBN 80-04-23465-8. info


AJ02007 Korpusová cvičení online || AJ12051 Úvod do korpusové lingvistiky AJ02007 and / or AJ12051


Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A.


PhDr. Jarmila Fictumová