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Předmět Americká literatura 1910 - 1960 (AJ15006)

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The aim of this course is to provide a survey of the literary history of the United States from 1910 to 1960. Based on a selection of representative literary pieces it is not only designed to familiarize students with the texts but also to encourage discussion, critical commentary and assessment. The necessary situating of the texts in their respective contexts will enable students to deepen their overall understanding of the development of American culture during the period in question. Major attention during the course is devoted to the multifaceted phenomenon of American literary modernism. The successful participants will gain a more thorough understanding of the wide variety of literary movements of the first half of the 20th century and will become acquainted with a number of accomplished authors who have come to be regarded as highly respected figures in the canon of American writing.


Week 1 : Introduction to the CourseWeek 2: Modernism in Arts and Literature in Europe and the United State:Movements and Geographies: Paris, London, New York, ChicagoPOUND: "In a Station of the Metro" N 1206, AT 1042"Portrait d'une Femme" N 1204, AT 1038"The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter N 1207, AT 1041Week 3: ELIOT: "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" 1268“Journey of the Magi” 1294Recommended: "The Waste Land" 1278Week 4: HEMINGWAY: "Hills Like White Elephants" (ELF)FAULKNER: "Barn Burning" N 1632, AT 1254FITZGERALD: “Winter Dreams” N 1509Week 5: CATHER: "Neighbor Rosicky" N 1011, AT 935Week 6: W.C. WILLIAMS: "The Young Housewife" N 1166, AT 1323"Spring and all" N 1169"The Red Wheelbarrow" N 1171, AT 1324"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" N 1195"This is Just to Say" N 1174, ATKOCH : "Variations on a Theme by W.C. Williams (ELF)CUMMINGS: "somewhere I have never traveled" 1466 AT 1177"in Just-" N 1459, AT 1173"Buffalo Bill's" N 1461, AT 1174Week 7: STEVENS: "Sunday Morning" N 1146, AT 1308“The Emperor of Ice Cream" N 1145, AT 1314“Anecdote of the Jar” N 1149, ATJEFFERS: “Shine, Perishing Republic” N 1248“Hurt Hawks” N 1249“Carmel Point” N 1250Week 8: FITZGERALD: The Great GatsbyHURSTON: Their EYES Were Watching GodWeek 9: Harlem RenaissanceHUGHES: "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" N 1736 AT"Mulatto" N 1738"Trumpet Player" N 1741CULLEN: "Yet Do I Marvel" N 1756, AT 1201TOOMER: "Seventh Street" N 1485"Blood Burning Moon" AT 1183Week 10: T. WILLIAMS: Streetcar Named Desire, N 1818Week 11: BISHOP: “The Fish” N 2431LOWELL: “Skunk Hour” N 2496“For the Union Dead” N 2499GINBERG: “A Supermarket in California” N 2621Week 12: O’CONNOR: The Life You Save May Be Your OwnELLISON: from Invisible Man N 1912


The Norton anthology of American literature. Edited by Nina Baym. 6th ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2003. s. 1071-19. ISBN 0-393-97900-8. infoThe American tradition in literature. Edited by George B Perkins. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990. xxviii, 20. ISBN 0-07-557208-7. info


( AJ09999 Postupová zkouška || AJ01002 Anglický jazyk II ) && AJ04003 Úvod do literatury II


Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A.


Mgr. Martina Biládoc. PhDr. Tomáš Pospíšil, Ph.D.