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Předmět Dějiny anglické společnosti 1707-1945 (AJ16056)

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The course focuses on Englishness and English myths in connection with significant historical periods, and the relationships between nation, culture and identity will be presented. Great figures and changing attitudes towards them, various divides, protests, rebellions, or Englishness versus Britishness will be discussed and commented on. The materials include examples from fiction, in which also domestic features will be traced, providing thus valuable social documents of the period in question.


1. Introduction, requirements, assessment.2. England and Englishness (Lucas), Dr. Samuel Johnson.3. Structure of society (Plumb), 18-C society (Elton).4, Universities, Grand Tour (Hibbert), Industrial Revolution (Plumb).5. John Wesley, Popular protest and public authority (Holmes).6. Manners and dress (Hibbert), The Tramp (Porter).7. Workers on the land, Marriage and divorce (Hibbert).8. Owners of the land; Mines,brickfields andsweatshops.9. The English Bobby (Porter), Cruelty (Hibbert).10.Dressing, smoking, social rank. The Great War (Porter).11.Wars and Aftermaths, Homes and Holidays (Hibbert).12.George Orwell: The English People, Notes on nationalism.


CHURCHILL, Winston. Never give in! :the best of Winston Churchill's speeches. Edited by Winston S. Churchill. 1st U.S. ed. New York: Hyperion, 2003. xxxi, 524. ISBN 1-4013-0056-1. infoMyths of the English. Edited by Roy Porter. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992. 276 s. ISBN 0-7456-1306-3. infoLUCAS, John. England and Englishness : ideas of nationhood in English poetry, 1688-1900. London: Hogarth Press, 1991. 227 p. ; 2. ISBN 0-7012-0907-099. infoPORTER, Roy. English society in the eighteenth century. 1st publ. London: Penguin Books, 1982. 424 s. ISBN 0-14-022099-2. infoMORTON, A. L. (Arthur Leslie). A people's history of England. Edited by J. F. Horrabin. Berlin: Seven Seas Publishers, 1965. 565 s., [1. infoORWELL, George. Decline of the English murder and other essays. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1965. 187 s. infoPLUMB, J. H. England in the eighteenth century. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1963. 224 p. ;. ISBN 0-14-020231-5. infoCHURCHILL, Winston Spencer. A history of the english-speaking peoples. [Vol. 4], The great democracies [Churchill, 1958, Dodd, Mead & Company]. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1958. xi, 403 s. infoORWELL, George. The lion and the unicorn : socialism and the English genius. London: Secker & Warburg, 1941. 126 s. info


AJ09999 Postupová zkouška || AJ01002 Anglický jazyk II Students may take English Social History I and II (AJ16055 and 16056) in any order or may take only one of them if they so choose.


Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A.


PhDr. Lidia Kyzlinková, CSc., M.Litt.