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Předmět Úvod do studia Kanady (AJ18050)

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At the end of this course students will understand and be able to explain the historical development of Canada in broader regional, national, continental and global contexts. They will be able to use information about Canada’s history from the pre-contact period to the present to formulate their own views of Canada’s distinctive nature. They will improve their ability to organize the results of their research and articulate an argument regarding a topic related to Canadian history.


1. Introduction to the course; Opening lecture 2. Beginnings: Pre-contact period3. France in America4. The making of British North America, 1763-18215. Maturing colonial societies, 1815-18676. Industrializing Canada, 1840-18677. Inventing Canada, 1867-19148. Economy and society in the Industrial Age, 1867-19219. Transitional years: Canada, 1919-194510. Reinventing Canada, 1945-197511. Post-modern Canada, 1975-2008


CONRAD, Margaret a Alvin FINKEL. History of the Canadian peoples. 3rd ed. Toronto: Addison-Wesley-Longman, 2002. xx, 508 s. ISBN 0-201-72582-7. infoCONRAD, Margaret a Alvin FINKEL. History of the Canadian peoples. 3rd ed. Toronto: Addison-Wesley-Longman, 2002. xvi, 432 s. ISBN 0-201-71980-0. info


AJ09999 Postupová zkouška || AJ01002 Anglický jazyk II


Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A.


PhDr. Thomas Donaldson Sparling, B.A.