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Předmět Multikulturalismus v Kanadě (AJ18087)

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At the end of the course, students will have a better understanding of the Canadian policies of multiculturalism and the ways in which these policies are representerd in Canadian culture and literature. Students will also practice the skills of interpreting a literary text as well as provide a discourse analysis.


1. Contemporary Canadian history (Will Ferguson, Canadian History for Dummies)2. Susanna Moodie & Margaret Atwood3. Multiculturalism and identity – Neil Bissoondath, Molson commercial4. Rohinton Mistry “Swimming Lessons” and “Squatter”5. Chinese Canadians, introduction and Sky Lee Disappearing Moon Cafe6. Japanese Canadians, introduction and Kogawa Obasan selections7. Blacks in Canada, Austin Clarke (one short story)8. Multiculturalism of the next generation: Dionne Brand, What We All Long For9. First Nations – general introduction and Eden Robinson (one short story or a selection from her novel Monkey Beach)10. Thomas King (selection of short stories) and conclusion of the course


doporučená literaturaAtwood, Margaret. Journals of Susanna MoodieBRAND, Dionne. What we all long for :a novel. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2005. 318 s. ISBN 0-676-97693-X. infoMaking a difference :Canadian multicultural literature. Edited by Smaro Kamboureli. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1996. xvi, 547 s. ISBN 0-19-541078-5. infoAn anthology of Canadian native literature in English. Edited by Terry Goldie - Daniel David Moses. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1992. xxii, 393. ISBN 0-19-540819-5. infoLEE, Sky. Disappearing Moon Cafe. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 1990. 237 s. ISBN 0-88894-721-6. infoOther solitudes :Canadian multicultural fictions. Edited by Marion Richmond - Linda Hutcheon. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990. vii, 374 p. ISBN 0-19-540756-3. infoMOODIE, Susanna. Roughing it in the bush, or, Life in Canada. Complete ed. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1989. ix, 543 s. ISBN 0-7710-9975-4. info


AJ09999 Postupová zkouška || AJ01002 Anglický jazyk II What is multiculturalism? What does it mean to be Canadian? What is a hyphenated identity? In order to answer these questions, this intensive course will acquaint students with the concept of multiculturalism as official Canadian policy and as lived experience(s). The concept’s history, positive and negative criticism as well as its everyday functionality will be analysed primarily through a selection of literary texts by famous Canadian authors such as: Susanna Moodie, Margaret Atwood, Neil Bissoondath, Rohinton Mistry, SKY Lee, Joy Kogawa, Austin Clarke, Dionne Brand. The cultural mosaic of Canada will be further exemplified by First Nations authors Thomas King and Eden Robinson. The theoretical and critical background to the reading of primary texts will be provided by key Canadian scholars such as Linda Hutcheon, Stephen Slemon, Diana Brydon, Smaro Kamboureli, Terry Goldie, Daniel David Moses and others.


Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A.


Mgr. Martina Horáková, Ph.D.