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Předmět Výslovnostní podoby americké angličtiny (AJ22093)

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Apart from being able to discern where in the U.S. a particular speaker is from, the students should also increase their awareness of all the social implications a particular way of speaking has, as well as of the historical reasons for today´s pronunciations. Other aspects of speaking behaviour will also be dealt with.


Week 1 - Delimitation of subject. Phonetic tools for sociolinguistic investigations. - Week 2 - General American. History. - Week 3 - GA emulations. - Week 4 - The East Coast. - Week 5 - The South. - Week 6 - Final Test, Visitor(s).


povinná literaturaRecordings of American English on YouTube and other online sources.doporučená literaturaAccents and dialects for stage and screen :an instruction manual for 24 accents and dialects commonly used by English-speaking actors. ISBN 9780578004525. infoGIMSON, A.Ch. Gimson’s Pronunciation of English. London. : Arnold, 2008. infoWELLS, J. C. Accents of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. xix, 467-6. ISBN 0-521-29719-2. infoTRUDGILL, Peter a Jean HANNAH. International English :a guide to varietes of standard English. London: Edward Arnold, 1982. xiii, 130. ISBN 0-7131-6362-3. info


Ideally, this course is taken after, or simultaneously with Pronunciation Varieties of English.


Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A.


PhDr. Kateřina Tomková, Ph.D.