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Předmět Literatura původních obyvatel (AJ25047)

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This course aims to examine in more detail contemporary Indigenous literature (and culture in general) in North America. We will co-teach this course with Dr. Nicole Perry from the University of Vienna, taking turns each week. Students will be asked to study the texts/films, analyzing themes and narrative strategies and contemplate the ways in which modern Indigenous cultural forms may articulate a distinctive genre and/or aesthetic. The analysis will be put into a larger context of the historical development of Indigenous literatures in the USA and Canada since its renaissance in the 1960s and also into the perspective of traditions of oral cultures. At the end of the course students should have a better appreciation of the minority discourse and the development of Indigenous artistic forms in the last four decades.




povinná literaturaSherman Alexie, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (1993)ERDRICH, Louise. The last report on the miracles at Little No Horse. 1st ed. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2001. 361 s. ISBN 0-06-018727-1. infoROBINSON, Eden. Monkey beach. 1st pub. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000. 377 s. ISBN 0-618-07327-2. infoBRANT, Beth. Writing as witness :essay and talk. Canada: Women's Press, 1994. 127 s. ISBN 0-88961-200-5. info


Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A.


Mgr. Martina Horáková, Ph.D.Mgr. Martina Horáková, Ph.D.