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Předmět Basic Issues in Cognitive Linguistics: Metaphors We Live By (AJ52020)

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This course provides an overview of The Contemporary Theory Metaphor, a central branch in Cognitive and Cultural Linguistics, and some possible applications of the CTM. In this course, we will go over some selected chapters of Metaphors We Live By (Lakoff and Johnson 1980), followed by supplementary articles that demonstrate how this analytic framework can be applied to examine real-world language. Students will develop an individual project of their research interest and will present it in-class. After taking this course, students will be equipped with basic skills of uncovering hidden conceptual and inferential patterns underlying real-world language via a CTM approach. The students are encouraged to work with their native language or languages of their major, including but not limited to Czech, Slovak and English. The course is taught in English.


Week 1: IntroductionWeek 2: Cognitive semantic analysisWeek 3: Metaphorical coherenceWeek 4: Metaphor in politics and societyWeek 5: Metaphor in timeWeek 6: Final presentation




Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A.


Wei-lun Lu, Ph.D.