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Předmět The Minor Ural Literatures (BA709)

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The objective of the course is to outline the development of literature of the minority Ural peoples (Sami, Meänkieli, Kvens, Carelians, Veps, Livonians, Mordvinians, Mari, Udmurts, Komi, Khanty, Mansi, Nenets) in terms of its social/ political and historical context, particular genres and intertexuality (cultural and textual influences). In the end, the students should know some basic authors, works and experience articulated in.


Why Ural literatures?The choise of a language.The national epics, its possible roots in oral tradition and the problem of authenticity.Ethnofuturism and contemporary poetry and novel.Postcolonialism in colony.From the Kazan Seminar to the Gulag.Ecocriticism, sacred landscapes and the curse of oil.


doporučená literaturaMultilingualism and multiculturalism in Finno-Ugric literatures. ISBN 9783643800985. infoValged unelmad. ISBN 9789949445059. infoRein Taagepera: The Finno-Ugric Republics and the Russian StateHONKO, Lauri, Senni TIMONEN a Michael BRANCH. The great bear :a thematic anthology of oral poetry in the Finno-Ugrian languages. Translated by Keith Bosley. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1993. 787 s. ISBN 951-717-631-7. infoDOMOKOS, Péter. Itäisten suomalais-ugrilaisten kansojen kirjallisuudesta. Edited by Tuomo Lahdelma. [Helsinki]: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1983. 179 s. ISBN 951-717-305-9. info


doc. RNDr. Tomáš Hoskovec, CSc.


Mgr. Michal Kovář, Ph.D.