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Předmět Problems and Paradigms of the Contemporary Visual Arts (ESAA22)

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The goal of the course is to introduce doctoral students into the ideas of the contemporary fine arts in the context of Aesthetics and Philosophy.


Kuhn suggests that certain scientific works, such as Newton's Principia or John Dalton's New System of Chemical Philosophy (1808), provide an open-ended resource: a framework of concepts, results, and procedures within which subsequent work is structured. Normal science proceeds within such a framework or paradigm. A paradigm does not impose a rigid or mechanical approach, but can be taken more or less creatively and flexibly.Discussions will encompass the following fields:Contemporary art and Aesthetics in Europe.Italian heritage in Aesthetics: Della Volpe, Croce and others.Aesthetics and Politics.Meaning of Art.How to understand contemporary fine art?Art education in Great Britain.Leaders of art today.


Estetika na přelomu milénia :vybrané problémy současné estetiky. Edited by Pavel Zahrádka. Vyd. 1. Brno: Barrister & Principal, 2010. 486 s. ISBN 9788087474112. info


Prof. Kenneth Hay, Ph.D. is the head of the Contemporary Art and Design at University of Leeds as well as a painter. No preliminary requisities are required. The course is lectured in English without translation.


prof. PhDr. Petr Osolsobě, Ph.D.


doc. Mgr. Rostislav Niederle, Ph.D.prof. PhDr. Petr Osolsobě, Ph.D.