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Předmět Aristotle's Aesthetics and Art Theory (ESAA51)

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The aim of the course lies in reconstructing and putting in cultural practice Aristotle's aesthetics. Aristotle exerted a strong influence on European art in the course of Western history of art and hi. arguments still hold their vitality in the contemporary debate of art and culture.


Basic concepts and definitionsArt, Virtue, AbilityMatter, Form, Eidos, Teleology, Four causes, Effective, Formal, Material, and FinalAim of Creative activity, Poesy as CreationTheory of Literature and DramaAristotle's Poetics and its relation to Ethics and RhetoricConcept of Catharsis and the Virtuous Mean


Secondary literature in PDF in "studijní materiály"Aristotle on perception. Edited by Stephen Everson. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. x, 309 p. ISBN 0198236298. infoAristotle's Poetics. Edited by Aristotle - John Baxter - Patrick Atherton - George Whalley. Buffalo: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997. xxxvi, 186. ISBN 0773516115. infoAristotle's Poetics and English literature : a collection of critical essays. Edited by Elder Olson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. xxviii, 23. infoBUTCHER, S. H. Aristotle's Theory of poetry and fine art : with a critical text and translation of the poetics. 4th ed. New York: Dover Publications, 1951. infoCOOPER, Lane. Aristotle on the art of poetry : an amplified version with supplementary illustrations. Rev. ed. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1947. info


The course is intended for advanced students with thecapabilities of reading and intepreting an English text and whohad completed some basic course of philosophy during theirbc. or mgr. study.


prof. PhDr. Petr Osolsobě, Ph.D.


prof. PhDr. Petr Osolsobě, Ph.D.