Předmět American film exhibition and broadcasting in the 1930s (FAVz049)
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Series of six lectures which are stem from various book chapters by Kathryn Fuller-Seeley, and together they address issues of film exhibition and film/radio audiences in the US in the 1920s and 1930s, focusing on small town audiences and those outside the major population centers.
Monday 20th October 10:50-14:05, C341) Studying the history of film exhibition in rural and small town America (1900-1945), why looking outside the major urban centers is important.... [introduction to collection “Hollywod in the Neighborhood”]2) "What the Picture Did for Me" -- analysis of reports of small town movie theater owners in the 1930s reviewing films during the Depression and defining what was a "small town film" [chapter from “Hollywood in the Neighborhood”]Tuesday 21th October 12: 30-15:45, C343) Dish Night giveaways for women at Depression 1930s Movie Theaters -- how American movie theater owners in the hinterlands attracted women to the movies in hard times, and challenges they faced [chapter from the collection ”Looking Past the Screen”]4) Growing up going to the Movies – autobiographies of the Payne Fund Studies students, who wrote about the period 1915-1930 [chapter from book “At the Picture Show”]Wednesday 22nd October 12:30-14:05, C345) Jack Benny integrating film and advertising/consumer culture into his radio program in the 1930s [chapter from upcoming book “Jack Benny and American Radio Comedy 1932-1954”]Thursday 23th October 9:10-10:45, C346) Jack Benny’s use of Race on the radio through his character of Rochester in the 1930s, and Black radio and film audiences during the Depression [chapter from upcoming book “Jack Benny and American Radio Comedy”]
povinná literaturaFULLER-SEELEY, Kathryn a George POTAMIANOS. Researching and Writing the History of Local Moviegoing. In Kathryn Fuller-Seeley. Hollywood Neighborhood: Historical Case Studie of Local Moviegoing. : University of California Press, 2008. s. 3-19, 290 s. ISBN 978-0-520-24973-8. infoFULLER-SEELEY, Kathryn. "What The Picture Did For Me" Small-Town Exhibitors' Strategies for Surviving the Great Depression. In Fuller-Seeley, Kathryn. Hollywood Neighborhood: Historical Case Studie of Local Moviegoing. : University of California Press, 2008. s. 186-207, 290 s. ISBN 978-0-520-24973-8. infoFULLER-SEELEY, Kathryn. Dish Night At The Movies. Exhibitors Promotions and Female Audiences during the Great Depression. In Lewis, Jon - Smoodin, Eric. Looking Past the Screen: Case Studies in American Film History and Method. : Duke University Press Books, 2007. s. 246-275, 400 s. ISBN 0-8223-3821-1. infoFULLER-SEELEY, Kathryn. Coming Of Age At Picture Show Youth In 1910s And 1920s. In Fuller-Seeley, Kathryn. At the Picture Show: Small Town Audiences and the Creation of Movie Fan Culture. : Smithsonian, 1997. s. 169-233, 248 s. ISBN 978-0-8139-2082-5. infoFULLER-SEELEY, Kathryn (forthcoming): “Jack Benny, Rochester and Racial issues in 1930s radio and film”, in Kathryn Fuller-Seeley: Jack Benny and American Radio Comedy 1932-1954, s. 1-39FULLER-SEELEY Kathryn (forthcoming): “Jack Benny, Radio Commercialism and American Consumer Culture in the 1930s and 1940s” in Fuller-Seeley, Kathryn: Jack Benny and American Radio Comedy 1932-1954, s. 1-41
prof. PhDr. Jiří Voráč, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. Petr Szczepanik, Ph.D.Mgr. Luděk Havel