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Předmět Historical landscapes of ancient Italy and Rome to the Late Republic (KLMgrB106)

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Historical landscapes of ancient Italy and Rome to the Late Republic (KLMgr106)This module provides an outline to the new developments of the archaeological and historical research in Etruria, Latium vetus and Central Italy, including Rome, from the archaic period to the late Republic. Specific themes will be discussed, such as th development of the city of Rome and the neighbouring Etruscan and Latin cities, relationship between the centre and the periphery, the phenomenon of colonisation and the political landscape, sacred and public architecture, material culture. Seminars and lectures will present specific case studies of recent excavations and discoveries.Case studies of recent excavations: Ardea, Satricum, Segni, Fidenae, Nepi.


1. Etruscans (overview of the topography of Etruria, urbandevelopment of the city-states, history in the roman sources, public,religious and funerary architecture).2. Latins (overview of the topography of Latium vetus, urbandevelopment of the city-states, history in the roman sources,religious and funerary architecture).3. Rome (Topography of archaic and republican Rome, focusing onthe recent discoveries).4. Roman colonization.5. Faliscans and the Tiber Valley (history, topography, religiousand funerary architecture).6. Roman religion and its artistic expression to the laterepublic (votive offerings).7. Sacred architecture comparing Rome to the neighbouring areas.8. Public and private buildings ( the origin of roman villa,mid-late republican villas).9. Material culture.10. Historiography and myths of Rome in the mid to late Republic(e.g. the myth of Aeneas in the sources combined with archaeologicalevidence).


povinná literaturaMANSUELLI, G. A. Roma e il mondo romano. Torino, 1981. info


doc. PhDr. Eliška Kazdová, CSc.


PhDr. Marie Pardyová, CSc.PhDr. Marie Pardyová, CSc.