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Předmět Contemporary Chinese Literature (KSCB751)

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The PRC does not differ from other socialist countries where the state failed to convince society from its interpretations of the past. In contrast to history, which strives for a neutral and objective stance from which to narrate the past, literature can be thought of as multifunctional when it comes to traumatic history: as healing by restoring meaning where it has been destroyed, as subversive by telling counter-histories of the master-narrative, as complementary by integrating suppressed voices and painful experiences into the collective memory or as disturbing by narrating trauma as a persisting condition that continues into the present. During this course we will look into contesting narratives that are negotiating China’s traumatic past. How is history dealt with in official Party history, in unofficial memoires, in visual and literary texts that make use of different narrative modes to deal with collective trauma in 20th-century China and to reconstruct the past? In order to understand the relationship of historical trauma and collective memory and to show the way in which memory relates to the past and how far memory shapes collective identity of the present, among others the concepts of communicative and cultural memory by Jan and Aleida Assmann will be introduced.


1. Introduction: State-Sponsored Amnesia vs. Memory Boom: How to Make Sense of a Paradox?2. Seminar: The Burden of Memory: A Comparative Approach3. Lecture: A Tragedy of Good Intentions: The Master Narrative4. Seminar: Scar Literature: Reflection of Collective Psychology5. Lecture: Refusing to Forget: Unofficial Memoires6. Seminar: Literary Testimonials7. Lecture: Concepts of Memory: Communicative and Cultural Memory8. Seminar: Counter-narratives and subversive historiography I9. Seminar: Counter-Narratives & Subversive Historiography II10. Seminar: Social Media as Memory Spaces11. Seminar: Diaspora Interventions: Memoires of Exile12. Wrap-up: Literature and History


KSCA013 Dějiny Číny II || KSCA017 Čínská literatura II


doc. Lucie Olivová, MA, Ph.D., DSc.


Mgr. et Mgr. Dušan Vávra, Ph.D.