Předmět Analysis and interpretation of short fiction (LMKB412)
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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu
Materiály tohoto předmětu
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The aims of the course are:to improve the participants' reading skills in English; to acquaint them with works of short fiction by classic as well as recent writers; to enhance their interpretation skills and critical thinking; to develop their discussion and writing skills in English.
30.9. Intro + Tobias Wolff: “The Night in Question”7.10. Graham Greene: "A Shocking Accident"; Graham Swift: "Learning to Swim"14.10. Slawomir Mrozek: “The Elephant”; “Children”; “The Giraffe”; Mikhail Bulgakov: “Three Kopecks”21.10. Charles Dickens: "The Signal-Man"; E. T. A. Hoffmann: “The Sandman”28.10. public holiday4.11. Milan Kundera: Ignorance11.11. Jean Rhys: “Let Them Call It Jazz”; Alice Walker: “Nineteen Fifty-five”18.11. Jorge Luis Borges: "The Garden of Forking Paths"; Julio Cortázar: "End of the Game"25.11. James Joyce: “The Dead”; Virginia Woolf: “Mark on the Wall”2.12. I. B. Singer: “Three Encounters”; Bernard Malamud: “The Jewbird”9.12. Alice Munro: “Child’s Play”; Michel Faber: “Serious Swimmers”16.12. Jackie Kay: “The Mirrored Twins”
doporučená literaturaCASSILL, R. V. The Norton anthology of short fiction. 2nd ed. shorter. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1981. xxix, 720. ISBN 0393951820. info
CEFR level C1 in English (in reading)
doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Fišer, Ph.D.
Mgr. Zuzana Fonioková, Ph.D.