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Předmět Chalcolithic of the Near East - Seminary (PAPVA_43)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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Seminary is based on active communication about topics which will be resolve during the cource "Chalcolithic of the Near East".


Mesopotamia: Ubaid period: culture-historical overviewMesopotamia: Ubaid period: politically and socially egalitarian or hierarchical?Mesopotamia: Ubaid period: localized economies and inter-regional interactionsMesopotamia: Uruk period: culture-historical overview • Mesopotamia: Uruk period: tributary economies, specialization, and the growth of dependent laborMesopotamia: Uruk period: ‘Uruk expansion’ and long-distance exchange •Levant: Chalcolithic: culture-historical overviewLevant: Chalcolithic: growth of metallurgyLevant: Chalcolithic: cult, sanctuaries, and hoardsRecording, accounting, and the invention of writingThe representation of people in durable media: figurines, stelae, and sealsReligion and ritual: architecture, image, and practiceThe growth of dependency: class and gender


Kerner, S. Das Chalkolithikum in der südlichen Levante: Die Entwicklung handwerklicher Spezialisierung und ihre Beziehung zu gesellschaftlicher Komplexität, Rahden – Westfalen 2001.Algaze, G. The Uruk World System: The Dynamics of Expansion of Early Mesopotamian Civilization, Chicago 1993.Kuhrt, A. The Ancient Near East c. 3000-330 BC. 2 vols. London - New York, 1995.Peter Akkermans, Glenn Schwartz: The Archaeology of Syria – From complex hunter-gatherers to early urban societies [c. 16,000-300 BC], Cambridge 2003.Philip, G. – Baird, D. (eds.). Ceramics and Change in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant, Sheffield: 2000.de Miroschedji, P. (ed.). L'urbanisation de la Palestine à l'âge du Bronze ancien: Bilan et perspectives des recherches actuelles, [British Archaeological Reports International Series 527] Oxford 1988.MacDonald, B. – Adams, R. – Bienkowski (eds.). The Archaeology of Jordan, Sheffield: 2005.


prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Měřínský, CSc.


Mgr. Inna Mateiciucová, Ph.D.