Předmět Akvizice jazyka (UZAJ2022)
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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu
Materiály tohoto předmětu
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In order to provide a sound foundation for the very wide range of practical matters that language teachers deal with it is essential that trainee teachers develop a clear understanding of what language essentially is, and how languages are learnt. This course addresses the second of these – the field of study is known as Language Acquisition.
Aspects of psychology of LanguageFirst and second language acquisition per seInterlanguage studiesThe Methodologies and Approaches of language teachingBloom's taxonomyVygotsky and constructionismLearning theoriesLanguage learning strategiesLearner styles, intelligencesError analysis
povinná literaturaHow languages are learned. Edited by Patsy M. Lightbown - Nina Spada. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. ix, 233 s. ISBN 0-19-442224-0. infoELLIS, Rod. Second language acquisition. 1st pub. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. x, 147 s. ISBN 0-19-437212-X. infodoporučená literaturaBROWN, H. Douglas. Teaching by principles :an interactive approach to language pedagogy. 3rd ed. White Plains: Pearson Education, 2007. xvii, 569. ISBN 978-0-13-612711-6. infoO'MALLEY, J. Michael a Anna Uhl CHAMOT. Learning strategies in second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. xi, 260 s. ISBN 0-521-35837-X. infoAITCHISON, Jean. The articulate mammal :an introduction to psycholinguistics. 5th ed. London: Routledge, 2008. viii, 302. ISBN 978-0-415-42022-8. infoneurčenoELLIS, Rod. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. 7. vyd. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. 327 s. ISBN 0-19-437081-X. infoELLIS, Rod. Second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. x, 147 s. ISBN 0-19-437212-X. infoGASS, Susan M. a Jacquelyn SCHACHTER. Linguistic perspectives on second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. viii, 296. ISBN 0-521-37811-7. infoELLIS, Rod. Instructed second language acquisition :learning in the classroom. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990. viii, 230. ISBN 0-631-16201-1. infoHARLEY, Trevor A. The psychology of language :from data to theory. 3rd ed. Hove: Psychology Press, 2008. xvii, 602. ISBN 978-1-84169-382-8. info
Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel, B.A.
doc. PhDr. Naděžda Kudrnáčová, CSc.Mgr. Linda Nepivodová