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Předmět NoSQL Databases (PA195)

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The course covers: 1) the principles behind the NoSQL databases, such as chapters from modern distributed database theory, P2P indexing or the MapReduce programming model; 2) architectures and common features of the main types of NoSQL databases (key-value stores, document databases, column-family stores, graph databases); 3) detailed description of selected NoSQL database systems including practical experience.


Why NoSQL, Principles, Taxonomy.Distribution Models, Consistency in Distributed Databases.MapReduce + Hadoop.Key-Value Stores, practical experience with Riak & Infinispan.Document Databases, practical experience with MongoDB & PostgreSQL.Column-family Stores, practical experience with Cassandra.Graph Databases, practical experience with Neo4J.


doporučená literaturaNoSQL distilled:a brief guide to the emerging world of polyglot persistence. ISBN 9780321826626. infoProfessional NoSQL. Edited by Shashank Tiwari. Indianapolis, Ind.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011. xxi, 361 p. ISBN 9781118167816. info


PB154 Základy databázových systémů


doc. RNDr. Eva Hladká, Ph.D.


RNDr. David Novák, Ph.D.