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Předmět Laboratoř servisních systémů (PV202)

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Objective to provide overall picture & insight on Cloud computing emerging area. Cloud computing is model that is becoming more and more important not only among biggest companies in the world, but practically everywhere in our daily life. Nowadays companies are already able to demonstrate that this new model is capable of creating real business benefits, new markets and opportunities. Course covers various aspects of cloud computing - e.g. virtualization, what the cloud computing is about, architecture, security in cloud computing, transition to cloud environment, business aspects & risks of this new phenomen and many others. During course labs students are expected to build their own virtualized cloud technology on their PCs or create application within PaaS environment (provided by RedHat or IBM).


Students are expected to select some of following labs (A or B or C):A) RED HAT - Integration of virtualized or hybrid cloud technology (oVirt orRed Hat OpenStack). Simple all-in-one setup would suffice. In such case itis possible to use laptop as hypervisor, within virtual machine it'spossible to set up management platform.Final goal of such project is presentation of simple web applicationrunning inside a Virtual Machine managed by this infrastructure. Under thisassignment the application is not expected to be overly complex.Expected time donation for this variants is 8 hours (pure time spent ontask). Creativity of the solution is taken into account and will serve asone of the main decision points for final grade.B) RED HAT - Delivery of application running on top of Red Hat OpenShift.This assignment is targeted for students who prefer web development overthe integration of projects.Red Hat OpenShift provides basic free account which is enough forintegrating large enterprise application with database resources (https://www.openshift.com/).End goal of OpenShift assignment is to have working OpenShift accountrunning an instance of web site. Under this assignment students areexpected to deliver rich interface web application in selected language(any of the ones OpenShift provides).Expected time donation for this variant is 8 hours (pure time spent ontask). Creativity of the solution is taken into account and will serve asone of the main decision points for final grade.C) IBM - includes 2 smaller exercises for PaaS and SaaSi.) PaaS - explore IBM PaaS (BlueMix - https://ace.ng.bluemix.net/)environment and deliver basic web application within this environment. Labis expected to be concluded with presentation / demo of createdapplication.ii.) SaaS - goal is to use IBM SaaS (BlueWorks). Student usesmentioned SaaS to demonstrate process flow showing steps, activities,roles /... that should be taken in account when cloud suitability forcommercial client is being considered (imagine yourself to be in theposition of consultant for commercial client). Student can demonstrate alsoprocess according own selection as alternative (but this case should beapproved in advance and related to Cloud Computing). Lab is to be concludedwith presentation (presenting process, and strong / week points of SaaS).This assignment is intended for students who prefers basic webdevelopment and would like to focus on business aspect of cloud computingwithin commercial environment (SaaS part of labs).Expected time donation for this variant (C.i + C.ii together) is 6hours. Creativity of the solution is taken into account and will serve asone of the main decision points for final grade.


doporučená literaturaWilliams, Bill. The Economics of Cloud Computing - An Overview for Decision Makers, Cisco Press. 2012. ISBN-13: 978-1587143069 )Josyula, Venkata; Orr, Malcolm; Page, Greg. Cloud Computing - Automating the Virtualized Data Center. Cisco Press, 2011. ISBN-13: 978-1587204340Reese, George. Cloud Application Architecture - Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud. 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0596156367http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-appinhousetocloud/Mell, P. & Grance, t. (2011) The NIST. Definition of Cloud Computing, (Special Publication 800-145). Gaithersburg MD: National Institute of Standards and Technologyhttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-rev2sla.htmlhttp://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-rev1security.html


Preconditions for this course are: (1) capability of autonomous work; (2) English; (3) wish to work as a member of a team;


doc. RNDr. Eva Hladká, Ph.D.


Mgr. Tomáš DošekIng. Petr Vlach, MBAIng. Leonard Walletzký, Ph.D.Mgr. Jitka Kitner