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Předmět Ekologické problémy, práva zvířat a křesťanství (ENS231)

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The main aim of the lectures is to familiarize students with some significant streams of christian theology and to show them how the representatives of these streams reflect on environmental problems and how they answer the argument that the Christian tradition is the source of the ecological crisis. During the lectures the students have the opportunity to think the essay The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis by Lynn White through, get acquainted with the interpretation of biblical texts referring to the relationship to nature and the concepts of nature (the Genesis creation narrative in the context of contemporary science, the environmental interpretation of the Book of Revelation etc.) and with the ideas of some theologians or theological streams of the 20th and 21st century whose focus is on the environmental ethics and the relationship to nature (Albert Schweitzer, Alfons Auer, Sallie McFague, Leonardo Boff etc.)The aim of the seminar is to familiarize students with the relationship between animals and human beings and, with the help of selected essays, discuss the following questions: In what way do animals and human beings differ? What are the key ethical issues in our treatment of animals? Do animals have rights? What is the biblical and contemporary view on animals? In addition, students are acquainted with the arguments of the British theologian, animal defender and founder of “The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics“, Andrew Linzey.


The outline of the lectures:1) Christian theology as the source of the ecological crisis (Lynn White´s argument and its critics).2) Biblical texts on creation and nature. Creation narrative and natural sciences (creationism and evolution).3) Liberation theology and environmental ethics (Leonardo Boff).4) Feminist theology and environmental ethics (Sallie McFague).5) Process theology and environmental ethics (Jay B. McDaniel).6) Autonomous morality and environmental ethics (Alfons Auer).7) The ethics of reverence for life (Albert Schweitzer).The outline of the seminar:1) Speciesism and the difference between animals and human beings.2) Animal rights (defense, critique, Universal Declaration of Animal Rights).3) Animal testing, its legitimacy and limits.4) Animals in biblical texts and apocrypha. Jesus and animals.5) Vegetarianism/veganism as a moral and biblical ideal?6) “Hunting as the Anti-Gospel of Predation“. Andrew Linzey´s arguments against hunting.7) Patenting animals? Genetic engineering in Andrew Linzey´s view.


doporučená literaturaNORTHCOTT, Michael S. The environment and christian ethics. 1st pub. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xv, 379 s. ISBN 0-521-57631-8. infoSANTMIRE, H. Paul. Nature reborn :the ecological and cosmic promise of Christian theology. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2000. x, 154 p. ISBN 0800632346. infoNa počátku všech věcí :přírodní vědy a náboženství. ISBN 9788090420731. infoLINZEY, Andrew. Animal theology. University of Illinois Press. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995. x, 214 p. ISBN 0252064674. infoJejich jest království :výbor z knih o etickém chování vůči zvířatům a jejich osudu. Edited by Matthew Scully - Mark H. Bernstein - J. Moussaieff Masson - Jan Čejka. Vyd. 1. Praha: Práh, 2005. 141 s. ;. ISBN 80-7252-112-8. infoZvířata jsou naši bližní :výbor z děl světových humanistů a křesťanských myslitelů. Translated by Jan Čejka. Vyd. 1. Praha: Práh, 2010. 247 s. ;. ISBN 9788072523177. infoCHAPOUTHIER, Georges. Zvířecí práva. Translated by Olga Smolová. Vyd. 1. Praha: Triton, 2013. 118 s. ISBN 9788073876074. info


doc. Mgr. Bohuslav Binka, Ph.D.


Mgr. Jan Zámečník, Th.D.doc. Mgr. Bohuslav Binka, Ph.D.