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Předmět Economics of Energy Corporations (ESS414)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu ESS414 - Economics of Energy Corporations, Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova univerzita (MU).

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In this session the students will be familiarized with the daily routine in the energy business. The emphasis is on the identifying the specific features that distinguish an energy corporation from companies operating in other sectors of economy. Theoretical background of the session is based on the Strategic trade theory which focuses on policies establishing mutually beneficial relations between the state and oligopolistic companies, with good examples being large manufacturing units such as Boeing or energy incumbents such as ČEZ.


• Strategic Trade: Strategic Trade Policy, its Consequences for Policy-Making and for the Respective Sector of Economy, Examples and Case Studies.• State versus Private Energy Companies: Policies, Strategies and Sector Structure.• Doing Business in Energy: Specific Features and Challenges.


doporučená literaturaKEPPLER, J H, R BOURBONNAIS a J GIROD. The Econometrics of Energy Systems. New York: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, 2007. 266 s. ISBN 978-1-4039-8748-8. info


Mgr. Filip Černoch, Ph.D.


Mgr. Filip Černoch, Ph.D.