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Předmět Democratization in Globalized World: A Comparative Perspective (EUP432)

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This course intends to offer a basic overview of the transitions towards democracy as they have occurred in the world in the aftermath of the democratic changes that occurred in the turn of 1980s and 1990s. Furthermore, beyond this fundamental goal the course shall provide the students with the theoretical introduction into the studies in the democratic transition, and shall also present a comparative view on selected transitions – here, our focus will be on some examples of (South)East Asian transitions so that we could see to what extent practices and theories of democratic transition are transferrable across various cultural and religious settings.


1. Notion of Democracy – History, Developments, Understandings2. Theory of Non-Democratic Regimes3. Transitions to Democracy: Three Waves and Beyond4. Czechoslovakia: Collapse5. Poland: Negotiated Transition I.6. Hungary: Negotiated Transition II.7. Serbia: Long and Winding Road – From Denial to Acceptance8. Ukraine and Georgia: Still at the Crossroads?9. Cases of Failure: Belarus and the Rest of Caucasus Region10. Taiwan and Indonesia: Different Roads to the Same Destination11. Burma: Unfinished Job12. Democratization in Practice: Pros and Cons of Promoting Democracy


povinná literaturaThe colour revolutions in the former Soviet republics :successes and failures. Edited by Donnacha Ó Beacháin - Abel Polese. London: Routledge, 2010. xvii, 248. ISBN 9780415580601. infoGRUGEL, Jean. Democratization :a critical introduction. 1st pub. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2002. xiii, 273. ISBN 0-333-67969-5. info


PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph.D.


PhDr. Pavel Pšeja, Ph.D.