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Předmět EU Policies (EVS449)

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First block: European Values and IdentityMcLaren, L.M. & S. Guerra (2013). ‘Public Opinion and the European Union’ in M. Cini & Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán (eds), European Union Politics, 4th edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, Ch. 26, 354-66.Hix, S. & B. Hoyland (2011). The Political System of the European Union, 3rd edition. Basingstoke, Palgrave, Ch. 5, ‘Public Opinion’, 105-29.Second block: Crisis of Trust? Democracy and Legitimacy in the EUArmingeon, K. and B. Ceka (2013). ‘The loss of trust in the European Union during thre great recession since 2007: The role of heuristics from the national political system’, European Union Politics, published online 6 August 2013 doi:10.1177/1465116513495595.Follesdal, A. & S. Hix (2006). ‘Why there is a democratic deficit in the EU: a response to Majone and Moravcsik’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 44 (3), 533-62.Garton Ash, Timothy (2012). ‘The Crisis of Europe: How the Union Came Together and Why it’s Falling Apart’, Foreign Affairs, 91:5, 2-15.Majone, G (2010). ‘The Mutation of the EU as a Regulatory Regime’ in E.O. Eriksen & J.E. Fossum (eds), What Democracy for Europe? Oslo, RECON.Smismans, S. (2013). ‘Democracy and Legitimacy in the Euorpean Union’, in M. Cini & Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán (eds), European Union Politics, 4th edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, Ch. 25, 341-53.Winzen, T. (20130. ‘European integration and national parliamentary oversight institutions’, European Union Politics, 14:2, 297-323.Third block: Models of Social PolicyFalkner, G. (2013). ‘The European Union’s Social Dimension’ in M. Cini & Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán (eds), European Union Politics, 4th edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, Ch. 20, 268-80.Olsen, Johan P. (2005). ‘Unity and Diversity – European Style’, WP 24/2005. Oslo, ARENA. Radičová, I. (2013). ‚Shock to the System: Division, Unemployment and the Common Sense of European Institutions‘, Journal of Common Market Studies, 51:Supplement 1, 55-62.Fourth block: Challenges of EU policy makingHodson, D. & U. Puetter (2013). ‘The European Union and the Economic Crisis’ in M. Cini & Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán (eds), European Union Politics, 4th edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, Ch. 27, 367-79.Hodson, D. (2013), ‘The Eurozone in 2012: “Whatever It Takes to Preserve the Euro”’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 51:Supplement 1, 183-200.Essay questions1. What is meant by Europeanisation, and how far has it advanced over the last 20 years?2. How successful is the EU as a foreign policy actor?3. Does the EU need a migration policy, and what restricts its ability to create one?4. ‘Economic and Monetary Union was premature.’ Discuss.5. To what extent has the EU enhanced social cohesion over the past 30 years?6. How extensive is the democratic deficit in the EU, and how might it be reduced?7. Analyse the greatest challenge facing EU policy making.


doc. PhDr. Markéta Pitrová, Ph.D.


PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph.D.