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Předmět Designed to Fail: What's Wrong With the Euro? (HMV426)

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An investigation of the design flaws of the European Monetary Union that have resulted in a financial and economic crisis. To understand these flaws, we need to investigate how sovereign currencies work. That then allows us to understand monetary and fiscal policy operations and options. The EMU is an unprecedented experiment, which attempted to divorce a currency from fiscal authority. In important respects, this has resulted in the current crises. We will need to develop a strong background in monetary theory to understand the nature of the design flaws and the nature of the crisis. That will then allow us to explore policy solutions. Note that this class will not investigate the pros and cons of European integration, rather, it will take for granted that European Union is desired. The course will focus only on the problems in the set-up of the monetary union. As such, various political controversies over unification will not be examined in this course.


1) Introduction: What is money? Two views.2) Money in History and in History of Thought: Barter vs Taxes-Drive-Money3) Basics of Macro Accounting4a) Monetarist vs Keynesian approaches; Spending by Sovereign Currency Issuer4b) Endogenous and Exogenous Money; The Domestic Money Supply5) Fiscal and Monetary Operations in Sovereign Currency6) Exchange Rate Regimes: Money in the Open Economy7) The Euro: Subtle Design Problems?8) Rise of Money Manager Capitalism; Global Financial Crisis9) Reform; Conclusions


povinná literaturaWRAY, L. Randall. Modern money theory :a primer on macroeconomics for sovereign monetary systems. 1st ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. xvi, 294 s. ISBN 9780230368880. info


Mgr. et Mgr. Oldřich Krpec, Ph.D.


Mgr. Vladan Hodulák, Ph.D.