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Předmět Contemporary Chinese Foreign Policy (MVZ229)

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Students will acquire a complex understanding of major determinants of Chinese foreign policy and will develop their own analytical skills.The course will, in its first part, offer a set of necessary characteristics and facts to analyze Chinese foreign policy. In the second part, the course will present various theoretical approaches to study contemporary Chinese foreign policy. Students will learn how to analyze the practice of Chinese foreign policy by using different theoretical approaches and they will learn how to critically assess current developments in China.


1. Introduction to the course and the topic2. Chinese contacts with the outside world before 1949. Cultural, philosophical, and historical background to Chinese foreign policy3. The development of Chinese foreign policy since 19494. Chinese bilateral relations with major actors (United States, Japan, Russia, India, EU, ASEAN)5. Current issues related to Chinese foreign policy (geopolitics, development, energy security, social issues, etc).6. Chinese power and capabilities in international politics (PP)7. Mid-term exam8. The impact of the international system on Chinese foreign policy (PP)9. Strategic culture and Chinese intentions (PP)10. The impact of politics and bureaucracy (PP)11. Media and public opinion in Chinese foreign policy (PP)12. Chinese leaders and their personal approach to foreign policy (PP)13. Open discussion and final remarks


Ability to read, discuss, and write in academic English. Certain level of knowledge about China and willingness to work independently during the course is required. It is expected that students with particular interest in China and/or Asian international relations will enroll in the course.


PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph.D.


Mgr. Hedvika Koďousková, Ph.D.Ing. Mgr. Richard Turcsányi