Předmět American Political System (MVZ237)
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Materiály tohoto předmětu
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By the end of this course, students should be able to do the following:• Understand some important concepts commonly used in political science (such as separation of powers, interest groups etc.)• Identify major actors in U.S. political system, describe their important characteristics, and understand how they interact.• Describe how the aspects of U.S. political system relate to the United States' role in world politics.• Critically analyze what they hear or read about politics.
Course outline:Week 1: IntroductionWeek 2: The basic outlines of the political system: The Constitution and federalismWeek 3: Civil liberties and civil rights.Week 4: CongressWeek 5: Congress continuedWeek 6: The President and the bureaucracyWeek 7: The CourtsWeek 8: Midterm examWeek 9: Public opinionWeek 10: Political PartiesWeek 11: Interest groupsWeek 12: Political participationWeek 13: Foreign policyExamination period: Final exam
• Barbour Christine and Gerald C. Wright: Keeping the Republic – Essentials: Power and Citizenship in American Politics, 6th edition, CQ Press, 2014. (Hereafter referred to as textbook) • Online readings and reference material
PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph.D.
Zuzana Ringlerová, Ph.D.