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Předmět Democracy, the state and conflict in Africa (MVZ241)

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To understand the relation between democracy, state and conflicts in Africa.


Lecture series May 18- May 25 at the Masaryk University, Brno1. Sub-Saharan Africa: Historical legacies from Colonialism and the post-colonial independenceIliffe, John, 1995: Africans. The history of a continent, Cambridge, chapter 9: Colonial invasion, pp. 187-211 (+303-305 footnotes)Thomson, Alex, 2010: An introduction to African politics, London and New York, 3rd ed. pp. 1-312. Democratization in Africa: From authoritarian rule to a continent of “defective democracies”?Walle, Nicolas van de, 2002: Africa´s range of regimes, in: Journal of Democracy, Vol. 13, pp. 66-80Erdmann, Gero, 2003: Apocalyptic triad: state failure, state disintegration and state collapse: structural problems of democracy in Africa, in: Z Vgl Polit Wiss (2014) 8: 215–2363. A “Curse of Resources”? The significance of GovernanceCollier, Paul, 2000: Doing Well out of War: An Economic Perspective, in: Mats Berdal/David M. Malone (eds.), 2000: Greed & grievance: economic agendas in civil wars, pp. 91-111Basedau, Matthias/Wolfram Lacher, 2006: A Paradox of Plenty? Rent Distribution and Political Stability in Oil States, GIGA Research Program: Dynamics of Violence and Security Cooperation, (http://www.giga-hamburg.de/de/system/files/publications/wp21_basedau-lacher.pdf)4. “Things fall apart again”? State collapse in Africa: causes and consequences (with reference to the DR Congo)Rotberg, Robert I., 2003: State failure and state weakness in a time of terror, Washington, Brookings, pp. 1-23Riddell, Barry, 1992: Things Fall Apart Again: Structural Adjustment Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa, in: The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Mar., 1992), pp. 53-68Reno, William, 2006: Congo: From State Collapse to 'Absolutism', to State Failure, in: Third World Quarterly, Vol. 27, no. 1, From Nation-Building to State-Building (2006), pp. 43-565. The African Union (AU) – an African response to Africa’s problemsAfrican Union: The CONSTITUTIVE ACT OF THE AFRICAN UNION, 2002Mwanasali, Musifiky, 2008: From Non-Interference to non-indifference: The emerging doctrine of conflict prevention, in: Akokpari, John et al. (eds.): The African Union and its institutions, Auckland Park, pp.41-63Murithi, Tim, 2007: Institutionalizing Pan-Africanism Transforming African Union values and principles into policy and practice, Pretoria, (ISS paper 143), 16pp.


ILIFFE, John. Afrika a Afričané :dějiny kontinentu. Vyd. 1. Praha: Vyšehrad, 2001. 375 s., [1. ISBN 80-7021-468-6. info


Students should be able to follow English presentation and read English materials.


PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph.D.


doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Kříž, Ph.D.Mgr. Jana Urbanovská, Ph.D.Mgr. Hana Votradovcová